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Wilfred P. Moore   -   Liberal Party of Canada
Province: Nova Scotia
Senatorial Division: Stanhope St./Bluenose
Appointed by: Chrétien (Lib.)
Telephone: 947-1921


Date of Birth:  January 14, 1942

Place of Birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Education: Bachelor of Commerce degree at Saint Mary's University (1964) and Law degree at Dalhousie University (1968).

Profession: Lawyer, Q.C. (1983).

Career: From 1974 to 1980, Halifax Alderman. Deputy Mayor from 1977 to 1978. Also served as Chairman of the Social Assistance Appeal Board for Halifax and Dartmouth, as Chairman of the Halifax Metro Centre, and served as a member of the Board of Governors of Saint Mary's University (1994-2004), including the Advisory Committee to the President. Former member of the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve Squadron. He serves as Chairman of the Bluenose II Preservation Trust Society, a group of volunteers who restored the historic schooner Bluenose II over the winter of 1994-95 and who maintained and operated the ship from 1994-2004.

Parliamentary Service:

Marital Status: Married, 1983.

Spouse's Name and Maiden Name: Jane (Ritcey)

Children: Nicholas, Alexandra

Special Interests: Sailing, skiing, art, reading

Parliamentary Address: Room 229, East Block, The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A4.

Former Member of:

National Finance: 1996-2003.
Legal and Constitutional Affairs: 1996-2003

E-mail Address:

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