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   Senator W. David Angus    Senator Mobina Jaffer
   Senator Norman K. Atkins    Senator Serge Joyal
   Senator Jacob (Jack) Austin    Senator Colin Kenny
   Senator Pat Carney    Senator Lorna Milne
   Senator Catherine S. Callbeck    Senator Raymond Lavigne
   Senator Sharon Carstairs    Senator Jim Munson
   Senator Maria Chaput    Senator Donald Oliver

   Senator Ione Christensen

   Senator Landon Pearson
   Senator Ethel Cochrane    Senator Lucie Pépin
   Senator Anne Cools    Senator Madeleine Plamondon
   Senator Consiglio Di Nino    Senator Vivienne Poy
   Senator Marisa Ferretti Barth    Senator Nick G. Sibbeston
   Senator D. Ross Fitzpatrick    Senator Gerry St. Germain
   Senator George Furey    Senator David Tkachuk
   Senator Daniel Hays  

N.B. Please note that these sites are not part of the Parliamentary Internet Site