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Members of the House of Commons

Current List
Born Outside Canada

Last Update:  2005.06.29
Last Verified:  2005.07.18

Name Date of Birth Country of Birth Political Affiliation at Appointment Date Summoned
ATKINS, Norman Kempton 1934.06.27 United States Progressive Conservative 1986.07.02
CARNEY, Patricia 1935.05.26 China Progressive Conservative 1990.08.30
COOLS, Anne Clare 1943.08.12 Barbados Liberal 1984.01.13
DALLAIRE, Roméo A. 1946.06.25 Netherlands Liberal 2005.03.24
DE BANÉ, Pierre 1938.08.02 Palestine Liberal 1984.06.29
DI NINO, Consiglio 1938.01.24 Italy Progressive Conservative 1990.08.30
FERRETTI BARTH, Marisa 1931.04.28 Italy Liberal 1997.09.23
HARB, Mac 1953.11.10 Lebanon Liberal 2003.09.09
JAFFER, Mobina S.B. 1949.08.20 Uganda Liberal 2001.06.13
MERCHANT, Pana 1943.04.02 Greece Liberal 2002.12.12
POY, Vivienne 1941.05.15 China Liberal 1998.09.17
SPIVAK, Mira 1934.07.12 Poland Progressive Conservative 1986.11.17

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