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Canadian Military History: An Overview
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Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Personal Stories

Prisoners and Exiles

One of the most enduring images of the rebellions is the fact that over 100 political prisoners were transported from British North America to serve time in a penal colony in Tasmania. One effect of the transportations was the creation of a unique literature, especially collections of letters and reminiscences.

Barnett, J. Davis. -- "The books of the political prisoners and exiles of 1838". -- Papers and records (Ontario Historical Society). -- Vol. 16 (1918). -- P. 10-18

Bergevin, Henri. -- Les patriotes exilés en Australie en 1839 : 150e anniversaire. -- [Joliette, Québec : Société de généalogie de Lanaudière, 1991?]. -- 52 p.

Boissery, Beverley. -- A deep sense of wrong : the treason, trials and transportation to New South Wales of Lower Canadian rebels after the 1838 rebellion. -- Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1995. -- 367 p.

Cahill, Jack. -- Forgotten patriots : Canadian rebels on Australia's convict shores. -- Toronto : R. Brass Studio, 1998. -- 275 p.

*Ducharme, Louis Léandre. -- Journal of a political exile in Australia. -- Translated from the original, with introd. and notes by George Mackaness. -- Sydney : D.S. Ford, Printer, 1944. -- 79 p. -- Originally published in French in 1845 under the title: Journal d'un exilé politique aux terres australes

Heustis, Daniel. -- Narrative of the adventures and sufferings of Captain Daniel D. Heustis and his companions, in Canada and Van Diemen's Land, during a long captivity. -- Boston : Redding, 1847. -- 168 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 39312

Kinchen, Oscar A. -- The rise and fall of the patriot hunters. -- New York : Bookman Associates, 1956. -- 150 p.

Lanctôt, Hypolite. -- Souvenirs d'un patriote exilé en Australie, 1838-1845. -- Texte établi, avec introduction et notes, par John Hare et Renée Landry. -- Sillery, Québec : Septentrion, 1999. -- 220 p.

Miller, Linus. -- Notes of an exile to Van Diemen's Land : comprising incidents of the Canadian rebellion of 1838, trial of the author in Canada ... and transportation to Van Diemen`s Land. -- Fredonia : W. McKinstry, 1846. -- 378 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 38884

*Poutré, Felix. -- Escaped from the gallows : souvenirs of a Canadian state prisoner in 1838. -- Montréal : Privately printed, 1862. -- 48 p. -- Also published in French under the title: Échappé de la potence : souvenir d'un prisonnier d'état canadien en 1838. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 22940

*Prieur, François X -- Notes of a convict of 1838. -- Translated from the original, with an introduction and notes by George Mackaness. -- [Dubbo, Australia : Review Publications, 1976]. -- 140 p. -- Also published in French under the title: Notes d'un condamné politique de 1838

Wait, Benjamin. -- Letters from Van Diemen's Land, written during four years' imprisonment for political offenses committed in Upper Canada : Enbodying also, letters descriptive of personal appeals on behalf of her husband ... by Mrs. B. Wait. -- Buffalo : A.W. Wilgus, 1843. -- 356 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 41724

Wright, Stephen S. -- Narrative and recollections of Van Diemen's land, during a three years' captivity of Stephen S. Wright : together with an account of the battle of Prescott, in which he was taken prisoner, his imprisonment in Canada, trial, condemnation, and transportation to Australia, his terrible sufferings in the British penal colony of Van Diemen's Land, and return to the United States. -- New York : J. Winchester, New World Press, [1844]. -- 80 p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 21930

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