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Canadian Military History: An Overview
War of 1812
Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Northwest Campaign
South African War
First World War
Second World War
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First World War
Troops and Traditions


The Canadian Army Medical Corps was accused of incompetent handling of casualties and administration early in the war, but was exonerated. Histories of medical units are listed in the Unit Histories sub-section.

Adams, Annmarie. -- "Borrowed buildings : Canada's temporary hospitals during World War I". -- Canadian bulletin of medical history = Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (1999). -- P. 25-48

Brown, Tom. -- "Shell shock in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918 : Canadian psychiatry in the Great War". -- Health, disease and medicine : essays in Canadian history. -- Edited by Charles Roland. -- [S.l.] : Hannah Institute on the History of Medicine, 1984. -- P. 308-332

  • Proceedings of the first Hannah Conference on the History of Medicine, McMaster University, June 3-5, 1982.;

Bruce, Herbert A. -- Politics and the Canadian Army Medical Corps : a history of intrigue, containing many facts omitted from the official records, showing how efforts at rehabilitation were baulked. -- Toronto : W. Briggs, 1919. -- 321 p.

Campbell, Marjorie Wilkins. -- No compromise : the story of Colonel Baker and the CNIB. -- Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1965. -- 217 p.

Guiou, Norman Miles. -- Transfusion : a Canadian surgeon's story in war and in peace. -- Yarmouth, N.S. : Stoneycroft Pub., 1985. -- 145 p.

MacPhail, Andrew, Sir. -- The medical services. -- Ottawa : King's Printer, 1925. -- 428 P. -- (Official history of the Canadian Forces in the Great War, 1914-19)

Nicholson, G.W.L. -- Seventy years of service : a history of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. -- Ottawa : Borealis Press, 1977. -- 388 p.

Rawlinson, James H. -- Through St. Dunstan's to light. -- Toronto : T. Allen, 1919. -- 86 p.

  • Memoir of a blinded soldier.

Snell, A.E. -- The C.A.M.C. with the Canadian Corps during the last hundred days of the Great War. -- Ottawa : King's Printer, 1924. -- 292 p.

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