Intervention in Russia, 1918-1921
Canadian involvement in the armed Allied intervention into Bolshevik Russia at the end of the First World War formed both an epilogue to the war itself and an introduction to military problems in the new world to come. John Swettenham's Allied intervention in Russia is a useful account of the military operations involved, especially in North Russia, but is very dated. Roy MacLaren covers much of the same ground, but also describes the part played by Canadians in the associated air actions. Skuce deals with the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force, which spent the winter of 1918-1919 doing nearly nothing in the Vladivostok area. Frank Shrive's The diary of a P.B.O. is a unique document, illustrated with his own photographs, describing the air war in North Russia. Raymond Collishaw, whose memoir Air Command is listed in the War in the Air section, was a squadron commander in South Russia and the work describes the activities there of No. 47 Squadron, RAF. See also Raymond Massey, When I was young, and Stuart Ramsay Tompkins, A Canadian's road to Russia, for personal accounts of service with the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force, listed in the Military Autobiography, Biography and Memoirs section.
MacLaren, Roy. -- Canadians in Russia, 1918-1919. -- Toronto : Macmillan, 1976. -- 301 p.
N.R.E.F., 16th Brigade C.F.A., 67th and 68th Batteries in North Russia, September 1918 to June 1919. -- [S.l. : s.n., s.d.]. -- 55 p.
Shrive, Frank J. -- The diary of a P.B.O.* : *poor bloody observer. -- Edited by Norman Shrive. -- Erin, Ont. : Boston Mills Press, 1981. -- 88 p.
Skuce, J.E. -- CSEF : Canada's soldiers in Siberia, 1918-1919. -- Ottawa : Access to History Publications, 1990. -- 148 p.
Swettenham, John. -- Allied intervention in Russia, 1918-1919 : and the part played by Canada. -- Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1967. -- 315 p.
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