Forms and publications
Tax packages
Each package includes the guide, the T1 return, and related forms and schedules.
All forms listed by form number
A comprehensive list of all CRA forms by form number. Forms are printed or typed documents with blank spaces for inserting required information. Please note that all form numbers start with a letter (e.g., T1-M).
All publications listed by publication number
A comprehensive list of all CRA publications by publication number. Publications provide information on a topic and/or instructions for filling out forms.
Document type
A comprehensive list of all CRA documents by document type. Forms, guides and pamphlets, schedules, interpretation bulletins, information circulars, legislation, delegation instruments, more...
Selected forms and publications listed by topic. Capital gains, day care, registered plans, moving, more...
Client group
Selected forms and publications listed by client group. People with disabilities, farmers, fishers, non-residents, seniors, students, visitors to Canada, more...