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Public Works and Government Services Canada


Public Works and Government Services Canada is the engine that powers the Government of Canada. We support the daily operations of nearly 140 federal departments and agencies. By focusing on what we do best - providing innovative common services to government - we help departments focus on what they do best: serving Canadians. Our services include:

  • purchasing goods and services on behalf of the government- everything from vehicles to office supplies to military uniforms;
  • providing office accommodations for public servants across Canada;
  • managing important national heritage properties, such as the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa; and
  • offering information technology, telecommunications, translation, banking, auditing and many other important services to the government.

In everything we do, we are dedicated to getting the best value for Canadians by finding innovative ways to deliver our services smarter, faster and at a reduced cost.

As the Government of Canada's purchaser and property manager, we also play a leading role in greening government operations, in areas such as green procurement, energy efficient buildings, recycling and the remediation of contaminated sites.

Learn more about who we are and what we do at the following links:

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