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To help you find the information you need, Environment Canada has grouped together its information into categories.

You can click on any word below.

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Glossary of terms

Action and Learning
Communities, Education, Emergency response, Funding, Volunteerism, Youth, ...
Acid rain, Air, Air pollution, Air quality, Atmospheric science, Ozone, Smog, ...
Climate Change
Climate Change, Greenhouse effect, Greenhouse gases, ...
Environmental – general, water, ...
Atlantic Coastal, Fraser River, Georgia Basin, Great Lakes, Northern Canada, Northern Rivers, St. Lawrence, ...
Consumption, Renewable, ...
Environmental Assessment
Projects, Reports and guidelines,
Environmental Emergencies
Preparedness, Prevention, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Reporting
Monitoring tools, Reporting and indicators, ...
Environmental Relations
Harmonization, International environmental relations, ...
Biotechnology, Pollution effects, Ultraviolet radiation, ...
Chemical, Energy, Fishing, Forestry, Manufacturing, Mining, Pollution, Pulp and paper, Transportation, ...
Acts and regulations, Codes of practice, Compliance and enforcement, Environmental Performance Agreements, Recent enforcement actions, Reporting, Voluntary Actions, ...
Nature and Wildlife
Biodiversity, CITES, Birds and mammals, Fish, Forests, Habitat, Species at Risk (Endangered species), ...
Contaminants, Environmental protection, Pollution prevention, ...
Birding, Cottaging, camping and boating, Gardening, Hunting, Fishing, Wildlife, ...
Science and Technology
Atmospheric science, Biotechnology, Research and development, ...
Sustainable Development
Indicators, Strategy, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, ...
Waste Management
Composting, Hazardous waste, Recycling, Soil , Water and marine, ...
Bulk water removal, Drinking water, Efficiency/Conservation, Floods, Groundwater, Lakes, Legislation and Regulations, Marine, Pollution, Properties, Quality, Rivers, Science and Research, Snow and Ice, Use, Wastewater, Wetlands, ...
Weather and Meteorology
Acid rain, Current conditions and local forecasts, Global warming, Ice, Precipitation, Storms and severe weather, Temperature, Trends, UV radiation, Weather products and services, Windchill, ...

Glossary of terms

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