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Help us improve the Archives Canada Web site!

Filling out our survey, as well as adding any comments or suggestions you may have about the Archives Canada Web site, good or bad, is very important to us. 

Participation is voluntary and all answers will be kept confidential.

Please take the time to fill out the form below.  

Please mark the boxes which would best describe you.

Province/Territory of residence if in Canada, country of residence if outside Canada.

Province/Territory        Country

1a) Are you a frequent, occasional, or relatively new user of archives?
(Archivists please do not answer this question)

1b) In which capacities do you use the resources of the Archives Canada Web site?

(please check as many as apply)

Student, elementary school

Student, high school



Student, university undergraduate

Student, university graduate

University Professor





Professional Researcher

Amateur Researcher




Other Professional, please specify

Federal government employee

Other, please specify

2) How did you find out about the Archives Canada Web site? (please choose one)

Word of mouth

From an archivist

From a reference librarian

From a teacher or professor

Link from another Web site or portal, please specify                                         

News release or other media source

Web Search Engine

By chance

It is an online resource used in my place of work;
please specify:

3) Have you used other archival resources on the Web?

Yes, please specify


4) Have you contacted or visited an archives to use their resources in the past?



5a) On Archives Canada, you were looking for information relating to:


A specific individual

A specific event


Cultural Organizations


A specific ethnic group

Other, please specify

5b) Did you find what you were looking for?



Partially Successful

6) What kind of sources were you looking for?

      (please check as many as apply)



Architectural plans

Vital statistics

Military records/history

Homestead, land, or settlement records

Immigration records

Documentary art

Audio Visual Records (i.e. Film and sound recordings)

Oral histories

Legal Documents

Literary Sources

Other textual records

Other records, please specify

7) You find digitized resources useful when:

They are in a “virtual exhibit” with interpretive text

They are retrievable through a searchable database

They are connected to the collection description

All of the above can be useful in different ways.

8) You found the Archives Canada database of Archival Descriptions (please check as many as apply)

Clear and easy to use

A useful resource

Difficult to navigate

The search results were not clear, I had difficulty finding what I was looking for

9) Improvements you would like to see on the site include: (prioritize 1 to 5, 1 being the most important)

   1    2    3    4    5    
More databases to photographic resources
More databases to genealogical resources
More digitized materials (documents, photographs)
More descriptions of archival holdings
More explanation – I didn’t understand the terms used in the records
Needs no improvement
Other – please explain

10) Priorities for the site should be: (prioritize 1 to 5, 1 being the most important)

   1    2    3    4    5    
More digitized materials
More descriptions of the holdings of Canadian archives
Full guides to collections
More indexes and databases, please specify
Other, please specify

11) What was the nature of your visit?

Work related

Study related

Personal interest

Just Browsing


12) Please rate the following aspects of the site.

Navigation Very Good Acceptable Poor

Download time Very Good Acceptable Poor

Quality of information Very Good Acceptable Poor

Quantity of information Very Good Acceptable Poor

13) Were you served in the official language of your choice?



14) Which sections of the site did you visit?

 Virtual Exhibits            

 Archival Descriptions Search Engine

 Other please specify:        

15) Rate the quality of the virtual exhibits

Very Good Acceptable Poor

16) Rate the quality of the archival descriptions search engine

Very Good Acceptable Poor

17) Rate the Quality of the overall site

Very Good Acceptable Poor

18) Age Group: - Optional






66 or older

Optional information: (unless you require a response)



City, Province/Territory/State Country

Other comments about the Archives Canada Web site:

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.  The Archives Canada Web site was created to act as the hub of archival information in Canada, we value your input!