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Last updated:13/02/2006

Annan urges action on climate change
© Jerzy Smykla
Annan urges action on climate change
9 February
- World leaders should back the Kyoto Treaty on climate change and everyone needs to think about energy resources more innovatively, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged on 6 February during an environmental meeting in Dubai where he also accepted a top award for his work promoting the environment. "Now that the Kyoto Protocol has entered into force, the world has a dynamic tool for stabilizing and reducing emissions and supporting climate-friendly projects in developing countries," Annan said. (Source: UNWIRE).

Read about UNESCO’s work in climate change research
"Disaster Reduction starts at school"

"Disaster Reduction starts at school"
UNESCO and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) are organizing a competition to find a slogan that sums up why disaster prevention begins at school. The competition is open to all pupils between the ages of 6 to 18, who have until 31 March to enter. (More)

Dhamar, Yemen
© UNESCO/B. Rouhban

Global Action Plan to reduce losses caused by landslides
A Global Action Plan for reducing losses caused by landslides was adopted in Tokyo (Japan) on 20 January at an international meeting held under the auspices of UNESCO and organized in conjunction with the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR). The meeting also set up a global network of International Programmes on Landslides. Based at Kyoto University in Japan, the network will function under the aegis of UNESCO and other international bodies. (More)

World Science Report 2005

China challenges dominance of USA, Europe and Japan in scientific research according to UNESCO Science Report 2005
Remarkable growth in a small number of emerging Asian economies, led by China, is challenging the leadership of North America, Europe and Japan in research and development (R&D;), according to the newly published UNESCO Science Report 2005. The report, written by an international team of independent experts, analyses the development of science and technology around the world, with a wealth of data that is both quantitative and qualitative. (Read the report in PDF)

Printed version: UNESCO Publishing

  Launch of Federation of African Societies of Chemistry
The Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC) will be officially launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 23 February. The new Society will promote chemistry in Africa as a means of solving long-term development problems on the continent. (More)
A Worl of Science - January/February 2006

A World of Science in January
In the wake of the UN Conference on Climate Change in Montréal last month, A World of Science looks at UNESCO's contribution to research on climate change via observation of the oceans and of mountain regions. In an issue which marks the end of the International Year of Physics, we discover why physicists study the ocean to understand climate, against the backdrop of a record number of extreme climate events in 2005.

Other highlights include an interview with Sabrina Krief on why the Great Apes living in the wild still have so much to teach us, be it about 'cultural diversity', our own origins or where to look for new molecules for medicines.

Last but not least, we travel to Bangladesh where a low-cost filter which removes arsenic from domestic water is currently being tested. Developed by the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, this 'family filter' could save millions of lives in Bangladesh and around the world.

© F. Alcoceba/UNESCO
Year alerts to dangers for humanity of desertification
A project workshop kicks off the International Year of Deserts and Desertification later this month. Between 26 January and 1 February, the workshop will review an ongoing project for the sustainable management of marginal drylands (SUMAMAD) in northern Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Organized in Islamabad by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources in collaboration with UNESCO, the United Nations University and the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, the workshop will provide practical training in data analysis and examine progress since the project began in 2004 in protecting both the biological diversity of deserts and the traditional knowledge of communities affected by desertification. The project is expected to run until 2008, with funding from the Flemish Government of Belgium. (More)

International Disaster Reduction Conference, From 27 August to 1 September, UNESCO is co-organizing an International Disaster Reduction Conference in Davos (Switzerland), together with the Joint Global Alliance for Disaster Reduction, Global Disaster Information Network and UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. You are invited to join this global gathering of risk management professionals and leading experts from science, government, business, civil society, international organizations and NGOs. The First Announcement and Call for Abstracts, as well as additional information, are available at the conference website at: http://www.davos2006.ch



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