Consultation Rooms
Important Notice: Reopening of Library and Archives Canada Public Research Areas
- Clients of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) have access to several consultation rooms. With the exception of the Jacob M. Lowy Collection Room on the 2nd floor, all of the consultation rooms are located on the 3rd floor of our building at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa. For the hours of operation of our consultation rooms, please visit our page Opening Hours.
- LAC allows users to consult documents from its collection, but on-site only, at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa. No document may be removed from the building.
- LAC's documents are stored in closed-stack areas access to which is restricted to institutional staff.
- Clients can use our research tools to identify and, in many cases, retrieve the material they wish to consult. See Research Tools.
Interlibrary and Inter-institutional Loans
Ordering Material in Advance
Textual Documents Consultation Room
- Consultation of published materials
Retrieval of published materials is done through our research tools, on-site, at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa. See Research Tools.
Staff members will retrieve the requested material from the stacks between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (no retrievals after 4:30 p.m.), Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays, and will place it on the shelves assigned to the public.
Retrievals usually take between 30 and 60 minutes, but the waiting period may be longer if the requested materials are stored in another building.
You may also request published material in advance of a visit to LAC. See Ordering Material in Advance.
- Consultation of textual archival records
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Textual Documents Consultation Room |
The majority of Library and Archives Canada's archival records are not stored in the main building at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa.
Requests for retrieval of textual archival documents will be processed during office hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays.
Retrieval of documents usually takes between 24 and 48 hours.
You may also request material in advance of your visit to LAC. See Ordering Material in Advance.
Restricted Documents Consultation Room
It is in this room that researchers with the necessary permission will consult restricted textual documents.
Microforms Consultation Room
- Consultation of microforms
Numerous documents belonging to LAC's collection have been copied to microfiche and microfilm. Some items from the collection are available through self-service in the Microforms Consultation Room.
You will have access to a microcard reader, as well as to magnifiers and viewers which enlarge the characters of books and microfiches for persons with visual impairments.
Printers for documents on microfilm and microfiche, as well as a microform scanner, are available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays. See also Photocopies and Reproductions.
Special Collections Consultation Room
- Consultation of documents from the Special Media Collection
If you wish to consult the originals of photographs, documentary art items, philatelic documents, maps and architectural documents, you will need an appointment. Consultation will take place in the Special Collections Consultation Room.
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Special Collections Consultation Room |
Special Collections Consultation Room |
Consultation copies of these documents, however, can be made available during regular business hours, and no appointment is required.
These documents must be consulted in the Special Collections Consultation Room.
Audiovisual Documents Consultation Room
- Consultation of audiovisual documents
Requests for audiovisual documents must be submitted during regular business hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays.
Retrieval takes 24 to 48 hours.
You may also order material in advance of your visit to LAC. See Ordering Material in Advance.
Jacob M. Lowy Collection Room
- Consultation of documents from the Jacob M. Lowy Collection
The works belonging to the Jacob M. Lowy Collection of old and rare Hebraica and Judaica are stored in a special room located on the second floor and must be consulted in that room.