Criteria for Hyperlinking to and from the Department of Justice Web SitesThe Department of Justice's Web sites are aimed at delivering information and services to users that are relevant and applicable to its mandate and that of the Government of Canada (GoC). To this end, the following criteria will be used to determine the suitability of links to and from departmental Web sites. This set of criteria applies to all of the Department of Justice's Web sites.
If you would like to request that the Department of Justice provide a link to your site from one of our Web sites, please review the criteria below before submitting your request. All decisions to post links on this site will be subject to the same set of criteria.
Note: Links created within the context of a Collaborative Arrangement are not considered an endorsement or providing an unfair competitive advantage. The site is not considered inappropriate due to its content or its affiliations. The content of the site complies with the laws of Canada, which includes such items as copyright, privacy, etc. The content of the site is kept current and accurate. The site allows users to navigate back to the present site; the site cannot block the user's return to the departmental site by using embedded code or other techniques within the linked page that prevent the use of the browser "back" button.
Generally, we encourage third parties to link to our departmental sites. Sites wishing to link to the Department of Justice's Web site, therefore, do not need to request permission to do so. We do, however, ask that you follow the following linking practices:
Last Updated: 2006-06-01 | Important Notices |