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Justice and the Law
For Youth
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For Youth

Drugs and the Law
To learn more about making good choices, as well as the effects of drug use, please visit Health Canada's Be Drug Wise website.

Interactive Virtual Courtroom
This website was designed and developed by youth for youth who are preparing to testify in court.

The Pursuit of Justice Quiz
Try your hand at these legal head-scratchers!
(This is a Flash file.)

For post-secondary students

Federal Student Work Experience Program
FSWEP gives full-time secondary school, CÉGEP, college, technical institute and university students fair and equal access to student jobs offered by the Public Service of Canada. Sign up now!

Articling Possibilities
The Department of Justice has articling opportunities available
at all of its Regional Offices.

Legal Studies for Aboriginal People Bursary Program (LSAP)
The LSAP program is a bursary program for legal studies available to Métis and Non-Status Indians students. The program is designed to promote equitable representation of Aboriginal people in the legal profession by providing financial assistance to those who wish to enter and to those currently enrolled in a law school program in Canada. 

Paralegal Work
The role of a paralegal in the federal government has evolved and today, they are integral contributors to the delivery of legal services.

If you are looking to a career in legal practice with the Department of Justice, see Recruitment.

Links to provincial sites related to Youth Justice

Public Legal Information from Newfoundland
Youth Justice - PEI
Youth Justice in New Brunswick
Éducaloi Québec - Jeune pour jeunes
CLEO - Youth Justice Ontario
Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan - youth and schools
Public Legal Education Network of Alberta - Kids and Crime
Law Courts Education Society of BC - Schools and Youth

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