FundingThe Policy Centre for Victim Issues does not provide criminal injuries compensation to victims of crime. Services available to victims of crime, including criminal injuries compensation, where such programs exist, fall under the jurisdiction of provincial and territorial governments. For information on the services provided to victims of crimes in your jurisdiction, please contact the provincial or territorial government Victims Services number located in the blue pages of you telephone book. Or click on the links provided below. Links to Provincial / Territorial Governments can be found on this page: http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/voc/other.html The Government of Canada approved the renewal of the Victims of Crime Initiative and allocated, in Budget 2005, $25 million over five years to the Department of Justice's Policy Centre for Victim Issues for federal victim-related initiatives and programs designed to improve the experience of victims of crime in the criminal justice system. Application/Proposal Form - PDF Financial Assistance for Victims to Attend National Parole Board HearingsThe Government of Canada also approved resources to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to defray the travel costs of registered victims who wish to attend National Parole Board hearings of offenders under federal supervision who harmed them. These resources will be transferred to the Department of Justice's Policy Centre for Victim Issues to be administered as part of the Victims Fund. Who May Apply and Application Form (PDF) For further information on other Department of Justice funding programs consult the Programs Branch Funding Kit. |
Last Updated: 2006-03-16 | Important Notices |