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Minister Toews Says Tackling Crime to be Focus of Federal/Provincial/Territorial Meeting

OTTAWA, October 10, 2006 -- The Honourable Vic Toews, Q.C., Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today highlighted the key issues for Canada's New Government at the upcoming Federal Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Justice.

“Our government has shown a clear commitment to tackling crime since taking office,” Toews said. “We’ve been getting things done for families and taxpayers by working to ensure safer streets and communities. The initiatives we’ve introduced have had strong support from our provincial and territorial counterparts. On the critical issue of strengthening the justice system, all levels of government must do their part.”

Minister Toews said that at the meeting he was looking forward to discussing a range of measures to strengthen our justice system. These include measures to address the issue of repeat violent and sexual offenders as well as ways to strengthen and clarify bail provisions, in particular to address bail for persons accused of firearms offences . “I am pleased that in particular, the Province of Ontario has signaled that it would like to see tougher measures in these areas,” Minister Toews said.

Minister Toews also pointed out that several justice-related bills are currently before the House of Commons, including proposals to:

  • end conditional sentencing or “house arrest” for serious and violent offences;
  • impose mandatory minimum penalties for crimes involving firearms;
  • crack down on street racing, and;
  • protect children from sexual predators by raising the age of protection, i.e., consent for sexual activity, from 14 to 16.

“Given the level of support these initiatives have with provincial and territorial governments as well as the general public, I urge the opposition to help us pass them and protect the safety and security of Canadians,” Minister Toews said.

The FPT meeting will be held October 12 and 13 at Humber Valley Resort, Newfoundland and Labrador. Minister Toews will co-chair the meeting with the Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety; and Newfoundland and Labrador Justice Minister Thomas W. Marshall.



Mark Quinlan
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Justice

Media Relations
Department of Justice
613- 957-4207


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