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OTTAWA, October 18, 2006 –The Honourable Vic Toews, Q.C., Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and the Honourable Dave Chomiak, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Manitoba, recognized the outstanding accomplishments of three prosecutors at the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Heads of Prosecutions Committee awards ceremony in Winnipeg on October 17, 2006.

"These exceptional individuals have devoted their remarkable talent and passion to becoming exemplary prosecutors," said Minister Toews. "These prestigious awards will no doubt become the flagship of prosecutorial excellence in Canada."

The FPT Heads of Prosecutions Committee, a national committee, has instituted an award program to honour professional excellence, exemplary service and outstanding achievements. This occasion marks the first time the awards were presented.

"We are not only celebrating the distinguished career achievements of these prosecutors, but also their outstanding contributions to the legal profession as leaders and mentors," said Mr. Chomiak.

The following prosecutors were recognized for their contributions to advancing and promoting prosecutions within the Canadian criminal justice system:

  • Mr. Henry Reiner, Q.C., Crown Counsel from British Columbia and Mr. Frank Armstrong, Q.C., Crown Counsel for Ontario, were awarded the Commitment to Justice Award for demonstrating a high level of commitment to the ideals of justice, for showing leadership by inspiring excellence, professionalism and ethical behaviour, and for improving the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

An award for courage and perseverance in the face of adversity was also awarded privately to a prosecutor who demonstrated these qualities, in addition to strong dedication, in the course of work where personal safety was at risk.

"These three recipients forcefully remind us of the rich talent among Canadian prosecutors," said Mr. D.A. Bellemare, MSM, Q.C., Assistant Deputy Attorney General (Criminal Law) and Permanent Co-Chair of the FPT Heads of Prosecutions Committee, who also delivered the keynote address for the evening. "Canadians are entitled to excellence in prosecutions as in any other area of public service," he added.



Mark Quinlan
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Justice

Media Relations
Department of Justice


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