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Prime Minister announces Saskatchewan judicial appointment

September 18, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, today announced the following appointment:

The Honourable Mr. Justice John Klebuc, a Judge of Her Majesty’s Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Judicial Centre of Saskatoon, is appointed Chief Justice of Saskatchewan. He replaces the Honourable Chief Justice E. D. Bayda who retired September 9, 2006.

Chief Justice Klebuc received a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts in 1964 from University of Saskatchewan and was admitted to the Bar of Saskatchewan in 1965. He practiced with, and became partner at, MacPherson, Leslie & Tyerman (1964-1993). During his time at MacPherson, Lelie & Tyerman he developed a practice expertise in commercial and business law, civil litigation, commercial real estate, resource law and contract law.

Chief Justice Klebuc was appointed Justice of Her Majesty’s Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Judicial Centre of Saskatoon in 1993 and since has been an active judge presiding over civil and criminal jury and non-jury trials. As well as his expertise in bankruptcy and insolvency cases, Chief Justice Klebuc has been an active promoter of expedited procedures for lowering costs in litigating civil actions and an advocate for procedural and evidentiary rules changes to increase accessibility to courts in Saskatchewan.

This appointment is effective immediately.


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