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The Department of Justice has a web site on parenting after divorce ?

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Support Enforcement

The Department of Justice Canada has legislation in place to support provincial and territorial governments in maintenance enforcement matters. The Department cannot help individuals directly. Parents with questions about a support order should contact the maintenance enforcement program in the province or territory in which they live.

Support enforcement in Canada

Overview of the Canadian system of support enforcement
Explains the different situations where federal or provincial/territorial legislation applies.

Provincial and territorial enforcement programs
Provincial and territorial maintenance enforcement programs help ensure that support payments flow from payors (people who make support payments) to recipients (people who receive them). Parents with questions about a support order should contact the maintenance enforcement program in the province or territory in which they live.

Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance
The Family Law Assistance Services Section (FLAS) of the Department of Justice Canada assists provincial and territorial governments with the enforcement of support orders.  The FLAS administers three programs including the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Unit, that:

  • traces individuals in default of a family provision;
  • intercepts federal payments that would otherwise go to individuals who are in default of their family support obligations;
  • orders the suspension or denial of federal licences and passports; and
  • operates an Automated Information System, linked to a 1-800 number.

Glossary of Canadian reciprocal and support enforcement terms
This glossary provides an extended definition of some of the most commonly used words and phrases found in Canadian support enforcement and reciprocal support laws.

Interjurisdictional and international support enforcement

Interjurisdictional support orders (ISO) legislation and reciprocity arrangements
All Canadian provinces and territories have established reciprocal support enforcement arrangements with one another. These arrangements allow for the enforcement of support orders made in other Canadian jurisdictions. In addition, many reciprocal agreements exist between provincial and territorial governments and other countries throughout the world. Canadian jurisdictions and the states with which they have reciprocal agreements are presented in chart format.

Provincial and territorial information on interjurisdictional and international support order enforcement (ISO)
Links to provincial and territorial interjurisdictional support order enforcement laws, forms and contacts. Consult these links for information on enforcing a support order outside your province or territory.


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