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Public Outreach

Astronomy and space are fascinating subjects. Whether you are a dedicated astronomer or simply want to find the name of the brightest star, you have come to the right place! This web site was developed so that you can all learn more about this captivating subject and about Canada's involvement in this field of research.

Canada has two major astronomy research centres in British Columbia. The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory has been located near Victoria since 1918. When it opened, its telescope was the largest in the world. Even though it is relatively small by today's standards, it is still a useful research instrument.

The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory opened outside Penticton, in the Okanagan valley, in 1960 and continues to explore the sky with its radio telescopes, including a 26-metre antenna.

NRC-HIA is also dedicated to promoting this science to the public. You can visit its two research centres in person or virtually through this web site. And while you're here, make sure to take a few minutes to learn more about astronomy in general and find out what's up in the sky this month.

Happy Stargazing!

Published: 2005-07-14
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