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> Renewal Project

Illustration of several Dromiceiomimus sp.

Detail of the grizzly (Ursus arctos) diorama.

Grand Reopening of Our West Wing

October 20, 2006

The first phase of the renovations of our Renewal Project is complete. Renovations continue until 2009, and the museum will remain open throughout.

Albert Einstein.New galleries and a special exhibition are the first offerings of this phase. The Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery will wow you with awesome specimens, thrilling recreations and an intriguing story -- the decline of dinosaurs and the rise of mammals. The Mammal Gallery uses our beautiful, historic dioramas and many new components in a new way to explore mammal adaptations. A special exhibition, Einstein, reveals the man and his work.

Look at our Calendar of Activities to see what you can do and what fun you can have while visiting. We offer ongoing general programmes as well as events and activities of singular occurrence or brief run.

In celebration of the reopening, we're offering special benefits for members: live performances for families, high-definition movies and collectable trading cards on fossils. Don't miss these perks: become a member today!

The museum has new opening hours and admission fees. Check our Visitor Information to plan your visit.

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