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Programs and Initiatives

About Us

The Programs Branch is responsible for many grants and contributions programs used by the Department of Justice to achieve its broad objectives. Grants and contributions play a role in the work of the Department by testing fresh approaches to improving Canada's justice system; by contributing to developing policies; and by supporting the Department's mandate of a more accessible, equitable and efficient justice system.

The Branch provides an array of services that include developing, designing and analyzing programs and policies; reviewing and assessing projects; managing and delivering a general grants and contributions funding program; negotiating, monitoring and implementing federal-provincial and territorial funding agreements; and, managing and advising on finances with respect to grants and contributions agreements. To carry out these activities, our multi-disciplinary team has a wide range of skills, experience and academic backgrounds including criminology, sociology, education, law, business administration, and accounting.

Our Mandate

The Programs Branch is dedicated to contributing to the development and maintenance of an accessible and fair Canadian justice system. This is achieved through:

  • Ongoing partnerships with provinces and territories;
  • Financial support for specific non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in building and disseminating knowledge about the justice system; and,
  • Project development and implementation in support of Department of Justice priorities.

Our programs

Programs Branch is responsible for a number of programs that provide project funding for justice-related activities to recipients such as individuals, non-profit organizations, universities, bands and tribal councils and, in some cases, the provinces and territories. Please click on the links below to find more information on:

Programs Branch is also responsible for developing, negotiating and maintaining funding arrangements for certain justice services between the federal government and the provinces and territories.

Please click on the links below for more information on:

How we're structured

The Programs Branch has four directorates - Policy Planning; Legal Aid; Innovations, Analysis and Integration; and Operations.

The Policy Planning Directorate is primarily responsible for the program agreements with the provinces and territories (except Legal Aid) and for broader issues related to how the Department of Justice uses programs to meet the specific key priorities of the Department and of the Government of Canada. Some specific initiatives include: funding arrangements with the provinces and territories to support justice-related services, such as the Youth Justice Services Funding Program, and the Aboriginal Courtwork Program. These programs are supported both by the federal government and the province or territory where they are operated.

For more information, call (613) 957-4711 or e-mail prgmbranch@justice.gc.ca

The Legal Aid Directorate is primarily responsible for negotiating, implementing and monitoring federal/provincial/territorial funding agreements respecting legal aid in Criminal Law matters and in matters relating to the Young Offenders Act. The main objective of the Legal Aid Program is to ensure equitable access to justice for economically disadvantaged persons in Canada.

For more information, call 952-5758 or e-mail prgmbranch@justice.gc.ca

The Innovations, Analysis and Integration Directorate is responsible for grants and contributions programs that offer funding to recipients such as individuals, non-profit organizations, universities, bands and tribal councils for justice related activities. They use grants and contributions funding as a means of testing innovative approaches to justice services; promoting special initiatives; informing Canadians on Justice issues, or serving as a testing ground for a policy or program initiative. In this way, the directorate contributes to the process of developing and maintaining policies that contribute to a fair and accessible justice system. Its programs include: the Justice Partnership and Innovation Fund, which includes the Public Legal Education and Information Program, the Legal Studies for Aboriginal Peoples Program, activities relating to Nunavut and Family Violence.

Information is also provided on the Victims Fund, a fund co-managed by the Policy Centre for Victims Issues, the Child-centred Family Justice Fund, a fund co-managed by the Family, Children and Youth Section and the Programs Branch as well on the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund, a fund co-managed by La Francophonie, Justice in Official Languages and Bijuralism and the Programs Branch.

For more information, call 941-4193 or e-mail prgmbranch@justice.gc.ca

The Operations Directorate is the branch's centre of expertise on finance and compliance, and provides financial services and advice to the Branch and to the other programs administered by the branch. The directorate also leads and manages special projects involving Branch-wide administrative services.

For more information: call 957-3174 or e-mail prgmbranch@justice.gc.ca


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