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Text: Donate right now!


Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata.

Make a donation to our Adopt-a-Bird programme and support Nature's Bird Gallery and educational bird-related activities. Choose your favourite Canadian bird!

Illustration of a monarch butterfly.

Celebrate a special occasion or honour a loved one with a gift to Nature: make a donation in their memory or in their name.

Support Nature: Enhancing Life through Better Understanding of Nature Support Nature: Enhancing Life through Better Understanding of Nature
Support Nature: Enhancing Life through Better Understanding of Nature Support Nature: Enhancing Life through Better Understanding of Nature
Support Nature: Enhancing Life through Better Understanding of Nature

Beautiful and fascinating, nature touches every aspect of our lives. As an authoritative source of knowledge and information, the Canadian Museum of Nature is committed to sharing the wonders of our natural heritage through exhibitions, educational programmes and scientific research. Its natural history collection represents the efforts of an almost-130-year-long collecting tradition, and its work supports the conservation of Canada's natural heritage!

Ways of Giving
Illustration of a monarch, Danaus plexippus. Give now:
  • Gifts of Cash
  • Gifts of Securities
  • Establishing a Named Endowment
  • Gifts in Kind
  • Gifts of Real Estate and Other Assets
- Legacy giving:
  • Bequest
  • Life Insurance
  • Gift Plus Annuity
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Residual Interest
- Sponsor Nature.
- Become a member.

Text: New Vision for Renewal.
The Canadian Museum of Nature has a new vision for connecting people with nature. We have launched the Natural Partnerships Campaign in support of this renewal. A girl holding a snake.

A hand holding a telephone receiver.


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