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familyThe Federal Child Support Guidelines:

May 1, 2006

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The Federal Child Support Guidelines were amended on May 1, 2006. These amendments include updated Federal Child Support Tables to reflect changes to provincial, territorial and federal tax rates. Under the guidelines, anyone who has a child support order can take steps to have it reflect the amendments, including the new table amount.

This publication is not a legal document. It contains general information and is provided for convenience and guidance in applying the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

©  Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2006)
    (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)

ISBN 0-662-42805-6
Cat. no. J2-196/2006E

This publication replaces the following Department of Justice Canada publications:

  • Federal Child Support Guidelines: The Complete Workbook (1997)
  • Federal Child Support Guidelines: A Workbook for Parents (1998)
  • Federal Child Support Guidelines: A guide to the new approach (1997)



Before you start

Step 1: figure out which guidelines apply

Step 2: determine the number of children

Step 3: determine the parenting arrangement

Step 4: find the right table

Step 5: calculate annual income

Step 6: find the table amount

Step 7: dealing with special expenses

Step 8: dealing with undue hardship

More information on calculating annual income

Orders and agreements

Who can help you?

Enforcing a child support order or agreement

Changing an existing child support order or agreement


Questions and answers

Directory of resources

Provincial and territorial child support information

Maintenance Enforcement Programs contact information

Sources of more information

Worksheets and line-by-line help

Line-by-line help for Worksheet 1—Calculating your annual income

Line-by-line help for Worksheet 2—Special expenses

Line-by-line help for Worksheet 3—Undue hardship

Worksheet 1—to calculate your annual income for child support purposes

Worksheet 2—to calculate your share of special expenses

Part A—Total annual amount that you and the other parent spent on special expenses

Part B—Total amount of special expenses that you and the other parent have to share

Part C—Sole custody arrangement
Paying parent's share of special expenses if no spousal support is being paid to the other parent

Part D—Sole custody arrangement
Paying parent's share of special expenses if spousal support is being paid to the other parent

Part E—Split custody arrangement
Parents' share of special expenses if neither of you pays spousal support to the other parent

Part F—Split custody arrangement
Share of special expenses if one of you pays spousal support to the other parent

Worksheet 3—Claim for undue hardship

Part A—To establish the household standard of living for parent A's household

Part B—To establish the household standard of living for parent B's household

Child Support Amount Record—shared custody arrangement

Child Support Amount Record—split custody arrangement

Child Support Amount Record—sole custody arrangement

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