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NRC Highlights

October 2006   

Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

Scientific Examination of the Mona Lisa: A color-coded elevation level contour map, similar to a topographical map, illustrates an accurate record of the exact overall shape of the poplar panel.

NRC Scientists Help Solve the Mysteries behind the Mona Lisa

For five hundred years she's been the source of endless real and fictional mysteries, from the magic of her eyes – always seeming to follow the viewer – the enigma of her smile, to The da Vinci Code. Now, using a sophisticated 3D colour laser scanning system, NRC scientists helped reveal the secrets behind the most famous painting in the world.

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Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

NRC – A Proud Past, a Vital Future


 Saving Lives by Detecting Tsunamis Sooner

Tsunamis give little or no warning to their victims to escape the deadly waves. Tsunami detection and warning systems that can save lives by giving people a chance to get out of disaster's path. LewHill Testing Technologies, an incubator company located at the NRC in St. John's, Newfoundland, has developed a better system for detecting tsunamis – one that could reduce the scale of future tragedies by saving thousands of lives.

NRC CT-133 research aircraft used for studying commercial aircraft wakes

 Tackling Turbulence: NRC Tests May Help Improve Flight Safety

New instrumentation installed and tested at NRC will enable researchers to gather the most detailed data yet on turbulence behind commercial aircraft. This information is expected to result in a better understanding of aircraft turbulence and could improve flight safety.

The research team will use Raman spectroscopy to investigate human teeth.

 Million Dollar Grant Makes NRC Oral Health Researchers Smile

Have you ever had a dental cavity? Have you ever wished you didn't have to undergo the ordeal of drilling and filling? An NRC research team was recently awarded a grant to tackle the problem of early assessment of dental decay.

Photo of the Month
3D Research and Heritage Preservation

3D Research and Heritage Preservation

Using NRC's 3D laser scanner, a researcher scans the Grotta dei Cervi at Porto Badisco, Italy. This neolithic cave is an impressive example of rock painting, with more than 3,000 pictograms.

   View more photos from NRC Picture Perfect Science

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Date Modified: 2006-10-02
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