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Department of Justice Sustainable Development Strategy

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Table of Contents

Message from the Minister


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. The Context for Sustainable Development in the Department of Justice

2.1 Mission and Mandate of the Department of Justice

2.2 The Department’s Operating Environment

2.3 Situating Sustainable Development Within the Department’s Plans and Priorities

3. Results from the 2001-2003 Sustainable Development Strategy

4. Sustainable Development Vision and Themes for 2004-2006 and Beyond

4.1 The Department’s Vision for Sustainable Development

4.2 Translating the Vision into Results

Theme 1: A sustainable justice system for Canadians and their communities

Theme 2: Integrating the principles of sustainable development into our ongoing operations

5. Sustainable Development Objectives and Targets

Objective 1: To strengthen knowledge and awareness of sustainable development within the Department

Objective 2: To integrate the consideration of sustainable development into the Department’s business

Objective 3: To improve the environmental sustainability of our physical operations

6. Implementation of the Strategy

Appendix 1: Results Achieved Under The 2001-2003 Sustainable Development Strategy

Appendix 2: Objectives, Targets and Performance Indicators 2004-2006

National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication

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