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Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Government of Canada
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Graphic image displaying a row of diverse faces of different ages and cultures
Section Title: Help


General Help

Information on this site is divided into different sections. You should select the section that matches what you wish to do in Canada. Look at the side navigation menu to decide which section best fits your needs.

If you are looking for information about policies, regulations, news, publications, etc., check the top navigation menu.

Content Formats

Most of the content on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Web site is available in HTML (Hypertext Mark up Language) format. Some documents are posted in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf*). You will need an Adobe® Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge. The Adobe® Web site explains how to download the Acrobat Reader.


Our search engine uses French or English keywords or phrases to help you find the information you are looking for.

Still Can’t Find What You’re
Looking for on This Site?

If you are still unable to find the information on the program or service that you want, please contact us.

You may also wish to visit the Canada site where you will find information on other Government of Canada programs and services. Check out Services for Canadians or Services for Non-Canadians for more information.

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