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Newsroom Help


Web site inquiries If you have comments or questions about the Newsroom Web site, please send an e-mail to the Webmaster.

Choose your news (RSS) Detailed information on how to receive Government of Canada news directly to your desktop is found on this page.

Search You can search this site for specific news releases, media advisories, warning and advisories, speeches, reports and other news and background related information. The Advanced Search feature can be used for very specific searches.

For a search not related to the Newsroom, you can use the Government of Canada search engine.

Wireless The Government of Canada Newsroom uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) an open, global specification and the Wireless Markup Language (WML) to empower mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with this web site. Mobile devices not compliant with these specifications may experience difficulties accessing this service.

A list of WAP certified compliant devices can be found at The Open Group web site.

The WAP specifications which include the WML specifications are available at The WAP Forum web site.

Enter one of the following URLs into your mobile Web enabled device:

About this site

Re-launched in September 2003, the Government of Canada Newsroom is a Web site for Canadians and the media to access up-to-the-minute news releases, media advisories, warnings/advisories, speeches, reports and other related news resources published by Government of Canada (GoC) organizations.

The Web site's primary focus is a new distribution strategy for Government of Canada news and related resources. The Newsroom gives people choices regarding the types of news that they receive and the technology that they use to access it.

Today's news published by GoC organizations is found either on the National News page or on the Regional News page. News items can also be found under specific Audience groups. You can easily find previously published news items using the Advanced Search feature.


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Date published: 2005-5-24 Important Notices