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Parliament of Canada 
Reversed Chronological Order Chronological Order  

Leadership Conventions
Liberal Party



The first three Liberal party leaders were not chosen at a convention. Rather, Alexander Mackenzie (March 1873 - April 1880) and Edward Blake (May 1880 - June 1887) were chosen by caucus members. Wilfrid Laurier (June 1887 - February 1919) was also elected party leader by caucus members and the convention of 1893 merely ratified their choice.

Candidate Votes
Montreal, Quebec
Ballot Number 1
BRISON, Scott  
DION, Stéphane  
FINDLAY, Martha Hall  
IGNATIEFF, Michael  
KENNEDY, Gerard  
RAE, Robert Keith (Bob)  
VOLPE, Giuseppe (Joseph)  
Toronto, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
MARTIN, Paul Edgar Philippe 3242 
COPPS, Sheila Maureen 211 
Spoiled Ballots 2 
Total of Votes 3455
Calgary, Alberta
Ballot Number 1
CHRÉTIEN, Joseph Jacques Jean 2652 
MARTIN, Paul Edgar Philippe 1176 
COPPS, Sheila Maureen 499 
WAPPEL, Thomas (Tom) William 267 
NUNZIATA, John V. 64 
Spoiled Ballots 10 
Total of Votes 4668
Ottawa, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
TURNER, John Napier 1593 
CHRÉTIEN, Joseph Jacques Jean 1067 
JOHNSTON, Donald James 278 
ROBERTS, John (Moody) 185 
MACGUIGAN, Mark R. 135 
MUNRO, John Carr 93 
WHELAN, Eugene Francis 84 
Spoiled Ballots 2 
Total of Votes 3437
Ballot Number 2
TURNER, John Napier 1862 
CHRÉTIEN, Joseph Jacques Jean 1368 
JOHNSTON, Donald James 192 
Spoiled Ballots 1 
Total of Votes 3423
Ottawa, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott 752 
HELLYER, Paul Theodore 330 
WINTERS, Robert Henry 293 
MARTIN, Paul Joseph James 277 
TURNER, John Napier 277 
GREENE, John James 169 
MACEACHEN, Allan Joseph 165 
KIERANS, Eric William 103 
HENDERSON, Harold Lloyd  
Spoiled Ballots 24 
Total of Votes 2390
Ballot Number 2
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott 964 
WINTERS, Robert Henry 473 
HELLYER, Paul Theodore 465 
TURNER, John Napier 347 
GREENE, John James 104 
MACEACHEN, Allan Joseph 11 
Spoiled Ballots 15 
Total of Votes 2379
Ballot Number 3
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott 1051 
WINTERS, Robert Henry 621 
HELLYER, Paul Theodore 377 
TURNER, John Napier 279 
GREENE, John James 29 
Spoiled Ballots 19 
Total of Votes 2376
Ballot Number 4
TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott 1203 
WINTERS, Robert Henry 954 
TURNER, John Napier 195 
Spoiled Ballots 13 
Total of Votes 2365
Ottawa, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
PEARSON, Lester Bowles 1074 
MARTIN, Paul Joseph James 305 
HENDERSON, Harold Lloyd 1 
Total of Votes 1380
Ottawa, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
ST-LAURENT, Louis Stephen 848 
GARDINER, James Garfield 323 
POWER, Charles Gavan 56 
Total of Votes 1227
Ottawa, Ontario
Ballot Number 1
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie 344 
FIELDING, William Stevens 297 
GRAHAM, George Perry 153 
MCKENZIE, Daniel Duncan 153 
Total of Votes 947
Ballot Number 2
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie 411 
FIELDING, William Stevens 344 
GRAHAM, George Perry 124 
MCKENZIE, Daniel Duncan 60 
Total of Votes 939
Ballot Number 3
FIELDING, William Stevens  
GRAHAM, George Perry  
The third ballot, already started, was cancelled when Mr. Graham withdrew.
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie  
MCKENZIE, Daniel Duncan  
Ballot Number 4
FIELDING, William Stevens  
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie  
MCKENZIE, Daniel Duncan  
The fourth ballot, already started, was cancelled when Mr. McKenzie also withdrew.
Ballot Number 5
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie 476 
FIELDING, William Stevens 438 
Total of Votes 914

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