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Frequently Asked Questions
Looking for a notice or regulations? Step one: Determine in which part of the Canada Gazette you should look to find the notice or regulations. The Canada Gazette is made up of three parts: Part I, Part II and Part III. Part I is most often divided into the following six categories.
Part II contains regulations that have been enacted as well as other classes of statutory instruments, such as orders in council, orders and proclamations. Each document has an SOR number or an SI number. Only government departments and agencies publish in Part II. Part III contains the most recent public acts of Parliament and their enactment proclamations. The alternate format version of the acts published in Part III is available on the Department of Justice's Web site. Step two: Look in the recent publications of Part I, Part II or Part III or use our search engine to find the document you are looking for. You can also look in our online archives to find issues that date back to January 1998.
I have a question about the content of a notice or regulations published in the Canada Gazette. Can you help? The Canada Gazette Directorate is responsible for publishing the Canada Gazette; we are not responsible for interpreting the content of the notices or regulations. We are therefore unable to answer specific questions about the content of a notice or regulations (for example "How do the recent amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations affect my application for immigration?"). Please contact the government department responsible for the notice or regulations or the private sector company responsible for the notice. If you have questions of a legal nature, you should consult a lawyer. If the regulations are at the proposal stage, you can contact the person responsible for them. Proposed regulations are published in Part I. The name and contact information of the person responsible for a text of regulations is found at the end of each regulatory impact analysis statement that accompanies the proposed regulations, under "Contact." A list of ongoing consultation on proposed regulations is found on our Consultation page.
How do I access issues of the Canada Gazette published before 1998? If you want to consult issues of the Canada Gazette published before 1998, contact Library and Archives Canada. The Canada Gazette is available in most public libraries and in depository libraries of Canadian government information. For a list of full depository libraries in Canada and around the world, see the Depository Services Program Web site under Depository Libraries.
Why is my name in the publication titled Banks, Trust Companies and Loan Companies — Unclaimed balances? In accordance with the Bank Act, we publish the Banks, Trust Companies and Loan Companies — Unclaimed balances once a year on behalf of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. If your name is in this publication, you may be entitled to an unclaimed balance. For more information, consult our unclaimed balances section.
How do I access the HTML format of the Acts of Parliament (Part III)? To access the HTML format of the most recent Acts of Parliament, please visit the Parliament of Canada Web site. The Department of Justice also maintains an online database for consolidated statutes and consolidated regulations.
I am a Government of Canada client. How do I access the request for insertion form? Government of Canada clients can access the Request for insertion form for Government of Canada departments and agencies from our site. Please make sure that you have obtained the proper financial coding from your departmental financial officer before submitting a notice for publication.
I am a private sector client. Do I need to complete a request for insertion form? Yes. Non-federal clients (law firms, non-profit organizations, private individuals and companies) and provincial and municipal governments are asked to submit a Request for insertion form for non-federal clients. To make sure you follow all the necessary steps, refer to our publishing requirements. You will be billed after your notice is published. If you prefer to pay with a credit card, please contact the Cashier's Office at 613-947-1701, once you receive your invoice.
Can I submit my notice by email? No. For security reasons, we do not accept notices submitted by email.
How do I subscribe to the Canada Gazette or obtain a recent issue? To subscribe to the Canada Gazette or to obtain a recent issue, see our subscription information page or call Canadian Government Publishing at 613-941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943 (toll free).
I subscribe to the Canada Gazette and have not received the latest issue. Who should I contact? For questions related to your subscription, please contact the Canadian Government Publishing sales counter at 613-941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943 (toll free).
Which versions of the Canada Gazette are official? Both the printed copy and the online PDF version of the Canada Gazette are official. The HTML format is available as an alternate format on our Web site; however, it is not recognized as an official version.
Do all notices in the Canada Gazette have to be published in English and French? Yes. All notices published in the Canada Gazette must be published in both official languages in accordance with the Official Languages Act and the Statutory Instruments Act.
What are the costs associated with publishing a notice in the Canada Gazette? For information on the costs of publishing a notice in the Canada Gazette, call us at 613-996-2495 or 613-996-2463. Our office is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern Time.
How often is the Canada Gazette published? Part I is published every Saturday. Part II is published every other Wednesday. Part III is published as soon as reasonably practicable following Royal Assent. For more information on Part I, Part II and Part III and what is published in each part, visit the learn more about the Canada Gazette page.
What is the deadline for submitting a notice in Part I of the Canada Gazette? We have to receive your notice (6 pages or less) before 12 noon (Eastern Time) on Friday, 6 business days before the date of publication. For more information, read our publishing requirements under "Deadline".
I would like to submit my comments on proposed regulations. Where do I send my comments? You should send your comments concerning proposed regulations to the department or agency responsible for the enforcement of the regulations. The name and contact information of the person responsible for a text of regulations is found at the end of each regulatory impact analysis statement that accompanies the proposed regulations, under "Contact." A list of ongoing consultation on proposed regulations is found on our Consultation page.
My notice is ready to be submitted. What electronic formats do you accept? Please submit your notice in Microsoft Word format, on a diskette or on CD-ROM. (For security reasons, we do not accept notices submitted by email.) Please save your graphics in PDF or TIFF format. If you have any questions, please contact us.
In which section of the Canada Gazette can I find notices of vacancy with the National Parole Board? Notices of vacancy appear in Part I of the Canada Gazette, under the main category "Government Notices." Please note that these notices are published as needed and do not appear in every edition of the publication. Should you have questions about the content of a recent notice of vacancy, contact the resource person listed at the end of the notice. Please visit the following link for more information about Governor in Council appointments. |