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About Service Canada

The goal of Service Canada is to provide better, one-stop service to more Canadians in more communities, delivered with the right service attitude. Over time, it will bring federal services and benefits together making it easier for Canadians to get more of the help they need in one place, whether by phone, Internet or in person.

Service Canada will integrate services from a number of federal departments to form a single service delivery network. Over the next three years, Service Canada will continue to enhance and introduce more services with the goal of continuous improvement in service delivery and client satisfaction.

Our Scope

Service Canada:

  • Serves 32 million Canadians per year
  • Employs over 20,000 staff
  • Has 320 offices across the country
  • Handles 14 million Web visits per year
  • Answers over 50 million calls per year

Service Canada delivers government services and benefits to Canadians by:

  • Offering convenient, knowledgeable assistance through:

    • 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232), or our TTY (1 800 926-9105), where you can find information on a range of government services and benefits.
      You can also access other frequently requested Government of Canada phone numbers.
    • servicecanada.gc.ca, where you can access this information on-line.
    • Service Canada Centres, where staff are knowledgeable on federal programs and benefits, and take the time to ensure people are connected to the services they need.

  • Expanding points of service throughout the country, especially in previously under-served northern and remote communities.

  • Working to build partnerships with other levels of government and community service providers to better integrate services to Canadians.

  • We also offer outreach or mobile services to meet the special needs of individuals, employers, and organizations in under-served areas.

Canadians can get the help they need when they want, where they want, and how they want.

For more information, consult our Service Canada fact sheets.

Service Charter

Our commitment to serving you better is clearly and simply stated in the Service Charter, which explains what you can expect from us, your rights and responsibilities, and how you can provide feedback on your service experience.

A copy of the Service Charter is available on-line at servicecanada.gc.ca, in all our Service Canada Centres, or by request through 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) or our TTY (1 800 926-9105).

Service Canada Office for Client Satisfaction

At Service Canada, we are always looking for ways to improve our service. We value and welcome your input.

We welcome any positive comments on our service, but it is also important for us to know when you have a problem so we can resolve it.

Anyone can give feedback. You can make it on behalf of yourself, an organization or someone you represent.

The Office for Client Satisfaction will look at suggestions, compliments and complaints so we can improve our service to you.

Your feedback will be given careful attention and we will respond promptly and fully. Suggestions will be considered for implementation. Complaints will be investigated and resolved.

The Office for Client Satisfaction does not replace existing program reconsideration or appeal processes. It provides an additional route for citizens and partners to present suggestions, complements or complaints on our service to Service Canada.

You can reach us on-line at servicecanada.gc.ca, by phone at 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) or TTY at 1 800 926-9105.

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