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Service Charter

Welcome to Service Canada

Service Canada helps Canadians access the full range of government services and benefits they want and need. It improves the delivery of federal government services to citizens.

Service Canada provides:

  • Easy access to government services and benefits;
  • Choice in how you access these services; and
  • Respectful and individual service.

This Service Charter describes our service commitment to Canadians. It explains what you can expect from us and how you can provide feedback on the quality of our service.

We are here to help you.

Who We Are

Our goal is to provide Canadians with one-stop, easy-to-access, personalized service. Service Canada brings Government of Canada services and benefits together in a single service delivery network.

You can access services however you choose, by phone, Internet, mail or in person.

Service Canada has over 20,000 staff dedicated to serving Canadians. We have 320 centres in communities throughout the country, the national 1 800 O-Canada call centre, a range of on-line services offered through servicecanada.gc.ca; as well as outreach and mobile services.

Service Canada also works in collaboration with other federal departments and other levels of government to explore innovative and efficient ways to serve Canadians better.

As we evolve, we will listen to, anticipate and respond to the changing needs of Canadians.

Our Commitment to You

We help you by making it easy to access government services. We provide you with:

  • Choice in how to contact us;
  • Information that is easy to understand; and
  • Service in the official language of your choice.

We offer you personalized service. We will:

  • Explain the things you need to know and make clear what you need to do;
  • Be helpful and respectful of your needs;
  • Give you the service you need or guide you to others who can help you;
  • Let you know when to expect a decision and, if you qualify for a financial benefit, when you will receive your first payment; and
  • Acknowledge any mistakes we make and take corrective measures.
Our Promise to You

You have the right to:

  • Fair and unbiased service;
  • A clear explanation of our decisions;
  • The review of any decision; and
  • Security of private information.
How to Reach Us

Through the Service Canada network, Canadians can receive the help they need when they want, where they want and how they want:

  • CALL
    1 800 O-Canada
    1 800 622-6232
    TTY 1 800 926-9105
    Service Canada Centres

At Service Canada, you choose.

Call 1 800 O-Canada, 1 800 622-6232

One toll-free number offers you quick and easy access to all Government of Canada services.

Helpful, bilingual agents are available to provide timely and accurate information from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday.

For questions about all Government of Canada services, including pensions and employment, social insurance numbers and passport applications, 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) is ready to answer your call.

We also offer TTY, or teletypewriter service (a telecommunications device for hearing-and speech-impaired persons), at 1 800 926-9105.

A list of the frequently requested Government of Canada contacts is also provided at the end of this publication.

Click servicecanada.gc.ca

At servicecanada.gc.ca, you can find information on topics for seniors, youth and families, apply for programs and benefits electronically, or find a list of Service Canada Centre locations near you. You can find information by subject, by department or alphabetically. You decide!

It's fast and simple. Explore servicecanada.gc.ca and let us know what you think.

Over time, new and improved services designed to make accessing government easier and faster will become available.

Visit Service Canada Centres

We are happy to serve you in person at one of our many Service Canada Centres, through our outreach and mobile services, or through one of our community service partners.

For all of our services:

  • Our staff will greet you in a friendly and respectful way.
  • If you request an appointment, we will make the necessary arrangements.
  • If you have an appointment, we will see you on time.
  • If you do not have an appointment, we will see you as soon as possible.

Locations of our Service Canada Centres can be found at servicecanada.gc.ca or by calling 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232) or TTY 1 800 926-9105.

Help Us to Serve You Better

At Service Canada, we are always looking for ways to improve our service. We value and welcome your input.

We welcome any positive comments, but it is also important for us to know when you have a problem so we can resolve it.

We regularly ask people what they think of our service, through focus groups and satisfaction surveys. This information is used to improve our service and the way we are able to help you.

Anyone can give feedback. You can make it on behalf of yourself, an organization or someone you represent.

The Office for Client Satisfaction

The Office for Client Satisfaction:

  • Manages suggestions, compliments and complaints;
  • Helps ensure that decisions are fair, open and transparent; and
  • Identifies areas for improvement in processes and procedures to make us more responsive and equitable.

The Office for Client Satisfaction will look at suggestions, compliments and complaints so we can improve our service to you.

Your feedback will be given careful attention and we will respond promptly and fully. Suggestions will be considered for implementation. Complaints will be reviewed and resolved.

The Office for Client Satisfaction does not replace existing program reconsideration or appeal processes. It provides an additional route for citizens and partners to present suggestions, compliments or complaints.

How to Reach the Office for Client Satisfaction

You can reach us by phone at 1 866 506-6806 or TTY at 1 866 506-6803 and by FAX at 1 866 506-6802, or by completing the form attached to this publication.

We will acknowledge your feedback so you know we are dealing with it.

If you have made a complaint, we may need to ask you for more information to help us respond promptly and fully.

The Office for Client Satisfaction will help you find the most appropriate route to deal with your concern.

Information you provide will be subject to the Privacy Act.

We will call, write, or e-mail you with our response. We will give you reasons for any decision and inform you of any further action you may have to take.

Office for Client Satisfaction Feedback Form

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to improve our service


User Information





This information will help us to investigate your feedback. We will keep your personal information private. There may be circumstances when your personal information will need to be given to others as part of following up on your issue. We will collect, manage, use and disclose personal information under the requirements of the Privacy Act.

Reset the Form / Submit

Frequently Requested Government of Canada Contacts

One toll-free number offers you quick and easy access to all Government of Canada services.

1 800 O-Canada, 1 800 622-6232
TTY 1 800 926-9105

Canada Student Loans Program 1 888 815-4514
Child Tax Benefit 1 800 387-1193
Customs 1 800 461-9999
Disability Benefits 1 800 277-9914
Education Savings Grants 1 888 276-3624
Employment Insurance (EI) 1 800 206-7218
Health Information 1 866 225-0709
Immigration 1 888 242-2100
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada 1 800 567-9604
Passports 1 800 567-6868
Pensions 1 800 277-9914
Savings Bonds 1 800 575-5151
Social Insurance Number 1 800 206-7218
Survivor Benefits 1 800 277-9914
Taxes 1 800 959-8281
Travel Assistance for Canadians Abroad 1 800 267-6788
Veterans Affairs Canada 1 866 522-2122
Youth Employment Strategy 1 800 935-5555

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