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How To Order

You can order free and priced publications produced and published by the Government of Canada by telephone, fax, regular mail or online. Online ordering will only be accepted for orders placed within Canada and paid by Canadian issued credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express).

Order by Telephone

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Orders can be placed by calling Customer Service at:

Hours of operation:

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Phone / Toll free: 1 800 635-7943 (Canada & US)
Phone / Local: (613) 941-5995


Order Online: Four Easy Steps

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Step 1: Add to My Shopping Cart

Publications available for order will have an CartAdd to My Shopping Cart icon. When you click on this icon, your selection(s) will appear in My Shopping Cart.

When My Shopping Cart window is displayed, you'll see the publication(s) you selected, the quantity, the unit price, the total amount, shipping and handling fee, tax (if applicable), and the total amount owed.

In My Shopping Cart, you can:

  • modify the quantity of publications and re-calculate the order;
  • delete an item;
  • choose to go back and continue shopping;
  • continue through the ordering process.

Indicate your method of payment.

Click "Proceed with Order" to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Customer and Shipping Information

Enter the information in the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Indicate if your shipping information is different from your customer information to ensure that your order is sent to the appropriate address. If the shipping information is the same as your customer information, it can be left blank.

Enter your e-mail address if you wish to receive messages from our order desk reminding you to send your order form or to confirm that your order has been successfully submitted.

Continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Order Form

This order form includes information on your items as well as your customer and shipping information. If the information is correct, choose Confirm Order. You will be reminded to print a copy of the order form using the print feature on your browser.

Amount: The amount shown in your order form is in Canadian dollars and is based on the following assumptions:

  • You live in Canada (for the purposes of shipping and handling fees);
  • You are not eligible for any customer account discounts;
  • You are not GST exempt.

Bulk discounts are applied in the calculation of the order amount.

Please note customers outside Canada must pay in US funds.

The cost of publications is subject to change without notice. You will be charged the actual amount for the publication. To receive the precise order value, contact our Customer Service.

Paying by credit card: Choose Confirm Order and we will process the payment against your credit card. Your order will be submitted online. The actual invoice amount will be charged to your credit card once your order has been shipped.

Paying by cheque/money order: Print the order form and mail it to us with your payment. Customers outside Canada must pay with international money order in U.S. funds.

Mailing address:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 0S5

Paying on account or if you are from a Government of Canada Department:

Choose Confirm Order and it will be submitted online.

Step 4: Final Confirmation

After choosing Confirm Order, a final confirmation window will appear. If you must print your order form because you will be paying by cheque or money order, you will receive a reminder.

It takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks for your order to be processed and sent to you. This period starts the day we receive your order form. No shipping and handling charge will appear on an order of free publications.

My Shopping Cart: Making Modifications

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Quantity: Increase or decrease quantities by clicking in the Quantity field and entering the number of publications you want to order. The quantity must be one or greater. An error message will be displayed if the quantity is less than one.

Re-calculate Order: The Re-calculate Order button will alter the total order value because you have changed the quantity.

Delete Items: Click the Delete button beside the publication you want to remove.

Clear My Shopping Cart: The Clear Shopping Cart button will remove all information.

Continue Shopping: Click Continue Shopping, and you will be returned to the last item page that you selected.


Methods of Payment

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  1. Credit Card (excluding Government of Canada acquisition cards):

    When you click on the Confirm Order button on the Order Form, you will be taken to the Government of Canada payment processing system where you will be asked to enter your credit card number and expiry date.

    Authorization to debit your credit card with the total of your order will be requested from your financial institution. Upon completion of this transaction, you will be returned to the Publications Web site. The actual invoice amount will be charged to your credit card once your order has been shipped.

    There are minimum system requirements that must be met in order to take full advantage of our payment processing system.

    Online ordering will only be accepted for orders shipped within Canada and paid by Canadian issued credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express).

    Government of Canada Clients: Government of Canada acquisition cards are not accepted. Government of Canada clients must select the "Purchase Order (Government of Canada Departments and Agencies)" method of payment in the shopping cart.

    Bookstores and Distributors: Please note that the commercial policy will not be applied to any purchases made with a credit card online. Please continue to place your orders by telephone or fax or online if you have a pre-established account with us.

  2. Cheque or Money Order:

    The order form must be printed using your browser print feature to complete orders with this method of payment.

    Cheque or money order: Mail us your form with your payment made to the order of "Receiver General for Canada."

    Mailing address:
    Publishing and Depository Services
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Ottawa ON K1A 0S5

  3. Purchase Order (Registered Bookstores and Distributors):

    Organizations such as bookstores, retailers, and distributors may obtain prior credit approval and, therefore, have the option to charge on account with a purchase order number.

    When you have completed your order, a copy is submitted to our order desk. An acknowledgement of your order is sent to your e-mail address if you've indicated one in the Customer and Shipping Information window.

    Please be sure to include a purchase order number.

  4. Purchase Order (Government of Canada Departments and Agencies):

    When your order information is submitted, a copy will be sent to our order desk. An acknowledgement of your order is sent to your e-mail address if you've indicated one in the Customer and Shipping Information window.

    Credit card orders from Government of Canada departments and agencies (excluding Crown Corporations) will not be accepted. On the order form, Federal government customers must provide their:

    • Purchase Order Number;
    • Department Number;
    • IS Organization Code;
    • IS Reference Code;
    • Responsibility Centre Code (if they are from Public Works and Government Services Canada).

    We cannot process the order if any of the information requested above is missing.


Order from a Bookstore

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If you decide to order from a bookstore, locate the bookstore nearest you. The bookstore will be able to order a publication for you, or it may have the item in stock.


Order from the Weekly Checklist

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The Weekly Checklist includes books and serial titles released that week by the Parliament of Canada, Government of Canada Departments, and Statistics Canada.

Who can order: You must be a registered depository library to order using the Weekly Checklist and have a Depository account number. If you don't know your Depository Library Number or your Customer Number, please contact the Depository Services Program (DSP) at:

E-mail: publications@pwgsc.gc.ca
Phone / Local: (613) 990-5221


How to order: Click on the order box provided with each title. You can order from only one Checklist at a time. A completed order cannot contain publications from a mixture of checklists.

At any time, you can cancel your order and start over, or you can click on Continue Ordering to see the publications you may have missed. You can also increase quantities by clicking on the order box again.

Complete an order: Click on Send Order. A confirmation message will be displayed in your window. An e-mail message from our order desk will also be sent to acknowledge your order was received. (When you have completed your selection, you can print a copy of your order for your files by using the print feature of your browser.)


International Orders

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Customers from outside Canada must place their orders through our Customer Service Desk at (613) 941-5995. International orders must be paid in US dollars (USD).


Return Policy

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All sales are final, but if your order is damaged, defective or incorrect, please advise us within 7 days of receipt and we'll gladly replace it.


Bulk Discounts

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Bulk discounts are applicable to large quantity orders of a single title as follows:

Quantity Discount
  • Same title copies, in another language, cannot be included in a bulk purchase;
  • Some publications (generally flyers or leaflets) come pre-packaged in large quantities. For discount purposes, each of these packages is counted as one item;
  • Bulk orders must be shipped to a single address.


  • No returns on bulk orders;
  • This offer is available only on purchases direct from Canadian Government Publishing;
  • Discounts cannot be combined therefore bookstores and distributors do not qualify for bulk discounts.


Shipping and Handling Fees

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No shipping and handling fees are applied when ordering free publication(s).

Order Value Shipping and Handling fees
Under $5
$5.01 to $25
$25.01 to $75
$75.01 to $200
Over $200
6% of the order

Contact our Customer Service:

  • If you need to verify shipping and handling fees prior to sending your order;
  • If other shipment options are required.


System Requirements

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There are minimum requirements necessary to take full advantage of the features of the Government of Canada payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre. These requirements are required for credit card orders only.

  1. Supported Browsers

    The payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre support the browsers and versions listed below.

    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
    • Netscape 4.61
    • Netscape 4.78
    • Netscape 4.79
    • Netscape 7.x

    If your browser is an older version or is a version of Microsoft Internet Explorer on the Apple Macintosh, it is recommended that you upgrade to one of the supported versions listed above prior to placing your credit card order or registering with the On-line Client Centre.

    Visit your browser's Web site to download the supported version of your browser.

    More recent versions of these browsers have not been tested, but no problems are anticipated.

  2. 128-bit Encryption

    128-bit encryption is required to access the payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre. Users of software that does not support 128-bit encryption will not be able to transfer data to or from this system. 128-bit encryption is strong encryption implemented for financial transactions over the Internet.

    Please check that you are using the latest browser version supporting 128-bit encryption from your browser Help menu, About browser. Only browser versions supporting 128-bit encryption allow you to use credit card payment method in the Receiver General's payment processing system or register for an On-line Client Centre account.

    Visit your browser's Web site to download the 128-bit encryption version of your browser.

  3. SSL version 3

    SSL, Secure Socket Layer, is a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. The Government of Canada payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre use the protocol to obtain your confidential credit card information.

    To enable SSL version 3:

    From Internet Explorer 5.x and 6.x
    1. Select Tools -> Internet Options from the menu bar
    2. Select the Advanced tab
    3. Scroll down to the Security section
    4. Place a check mark in both the "use SSL 2.0" and "use SSL 3.0" settings
    5. Select OK

    From Netscape 4.x
    1. Select Security on the browser toolbar on the Netscape menu bar.
    2. Select Navigator.
    3. Click to check mark the boxes for Enable SSL version 2, and Enable SSL version 3.
    4. Select OK.

    From Netscape 7.x
    1. Select Edit from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Preferences
    3. Double-click on Privacy & Security
    4. Select SSL
    5. Click to check mark the boxes for Enable SSL version 2, and Enable SSL version 3.
    6. Select OK.

  4. Screen Resolution

    The payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre are designed to be viewed with a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 or higher. If you can see our site without scrolling to the right, your monitor is already set to at least 800x600. However, if you can only see about 80% of the page and need to scroll to the right to see the rest, then your resolution is likely set to 640x480 and you need to adjust your screen resolution.

    You can adjust your screen resolution in your Settings -> Control Panel menu option.

  5. Cookies

    Since the Government of Canada payment processing system and the On-line Client Centre use non-persistent cookies, this feature must be enabled within your browser.

    To enable cookies:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x
    1. Select Tools from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level
    3. Scroll to the Cookies item
    4. Under Allow per-session Cookies (not stored) select Enable
    5. Click OK to close Security Settings
    6. Click OK to close Internet Options

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x
    1. Selects Tools from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced
    3. Uncheck Override automatic cookie handling
    4. Click OK to close Advanced Privacy Settings
    5. Click OK to close Internet Options

    Netscape Communicator/Navigator 4.x
    1. Select Edit from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Preferences
    3. Click on Advanced
    4. Select "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server"
    5. Do not select "Warn me before accepting a cookie"
    6. Click the OK button

    Netscape Communicator 7.x
    1. Select Edit from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Preferences
    3. Double-click on Privacy & Security
    4. Select Cookies
    5. Select "Enable cookies for the originating Web site only"
    6. Do not select "Ask me before storing a cookie"
    7. Click the OK button

  6. JavaScript

    Since the Government of Canada credit card processing system and the On-line Client Centre use JavaScript, this feature must be enabled within your browser. To access the menu items and links on this page, you must enable JavaScript within your browser and refresh/reload the current page.

    To enable JavaScript:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x and 6.x
    1. Select Tools from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Internet Options
    3. Select Security tab
    4. Select Custom Level
    5. Locate Scripting and verify that Active Scripting is enabled
    6. Select the OK button on the Security window
    7. Select the OK button on the Internet Options window.

    Netscape Communicator 4.x
    1. Select Edit from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Preferences
    3. Click on Advanced
    4. Verify that Enable JavaScript is selected
    5. Select the OK button

    Netscape Communicator 7.x
    1. Select Edit from the browser menu bar
    2. Select Preferences
    3. Double-click on Advanced
    4. Select Scripts & Plugins
    5. Under the title Enable Javascript for, check Navigator
    6. Select the OK button


Publication(s) Not Available

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  • Some publications may be available through Author Departments. Contact our Customer Service for more information.
  • Locate a library or a bookstore near you that may carry the title you are seeking.


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Last Updated: 2006-10-18 Important Notices