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Frequently Asked Questions

We listed a few frequently asked questions for your reading. Sometimes looking at other people's questions can help you find an answer to one of your questions. For any additional questions, please contact our Customer Service.


Ordering publications:
General questions or questions about your order
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Can I still order publications by telephone?

You can order by telephone via 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995. For detailed steps on ordering a publication, please go to How to Order.


Can I pay with a credit card?

Yes. We use the Government of Canada payment processing system for processing credit card orders. The actual invoice amount will charged to your credit card once your order has been shipped.


Can I open an account and charge to it?

Only organizations (for example, bookstores, retailers and distributors) that have obtained prior credit approval have the option to charge on account. If you are such an organization and would like to have the option to charge on account, please contact our Customer Service.


Is the value on my printed order form the exact value I should pay?

The order value shown in your order form is based on the following assumptions:

  • You live in Canada;
  • You are not a commercial customer;
  • If these assumptions do not apply to you, call Customer Service.
Note: If you pay by credit card, the actual amount of the order will be deducted (once your order has been shipped) and not this estimated value.


Whom do I make the payment to?

Cheques or money orders can be made to the "Receiver General for Canada".


Can I order a publication that's listed as temporarily out of stock?

Yes you may if there is a shopping cart icon.


I sent you my order with my payment, but I've changed my mind. How do I cancel my order, stop the receipt of the publication(s), and get a refund?

Contact our Customer Service and we will gladly help you with your request.


How long does it take to receive an order?

Please allow approximately three to four weeks for delivery from the day we receive your order form.


I have a question regarding my account and invoice; whom do I contact?

Please contact our fully bilingual Customer Service and we will gladly answer any of your questions.


I placed an order 6 months ago and was told that the publication is not in stock; how can I find out when it will become available?

If you have a question about your order contact our Customer Service. Please make sure that you have a copy of the original order form handy so we can better serve you.


I ordered a publication about two weeks ago and still have not received it; whom do I call?

Orders can take approximately three to four weeks for delivery from the day we receive your order form.

Please contact our Customer Service if your order has not been received within this timeframe.


There is a typographic or printing problem with a Government of Canada book I purchased; what can I do about it?

If you find a misprint (repeated, missing or upside-down pages) or believe that a book you purchased is defective, please return it to us. Contact us within 7 days of receiving your item(s) and we will gladly replace it.

Please make sure you write us a note with your name, full address and telephone number, and tell us you want a replacement. Include this note with the publication(s) you are returning and a copy of the invoice.

Mail us your package to the following address:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 0S5

I am not satisfied with my publication and I want to return it for a refund; what do I do?

All sales are final, but if your order is damaged, defective, or incorrect, please advise us within 7 days of receipt and we'll gladly replace it.

Contact our Customer Service, we'll gladly answer any of your questions.


As a library or depository, how can I claim Weekly Checklist items?

Electronic submission of claims is now available for libraries and depositories. Simply complete the following form and submit

Pricing, shipping and GST costs, discounts Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

If a price is not listed and it doesn’t indicate that it is free, how will I know the price?

Some of the publications on our site are listed for reference purposes only and may not be available for purchase. For additional information on availability and price, please contact our Customer Service.


Do the prices of publications listed on your site include shipping costs and GST?

Prices do not include GST or shipping costs. The shipping and handling fee is determined by the net value of the order. GST applies on all items (except on goods for export), including shipping and handling. Go to Shipping and Handling Fees in How to Order.


Are there any discounts available?

Bulk discounts are available only for large quantities of a single title. The order form applies bulk discounts if applicable. Go to Bulk Discounts.


Finding publications Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

How can I find out if a publication is available?

Publication availability is updated on our site every 24 hours. If a shopping cart appears beside an item, it means it was available at the time of the last update.

For additional information on availability and price, please contact our Customer Service.


How do I order from the Weekly Checklist?

You must be a registered depository to order using the weekly checklist and have a Depository account number. If you are a depository and would like to register, contact the DSP using this link:

or by telephone at (613) 990-5221.


Are all the Government of Canada publications listed on your Web site?

No. Although many government departments submit their publications for us to include in our catalogue, some publications are only available through the author department. You can locate the author department Web sites by clicking on Publications by Departments and Agencies.


Are your publications available in all bookstores?

All bookstores can order publications from us. You can see a list of some of the major bookstores that do business with us by clicking on Locate a Bookstore on our homepage.


I am looking for a copy of an Act but I cannot find it on your Web site; where can I find a listing of Acts and how to order them?

You can call our Customer Service at 1 800 635-7943 or (613) 941-5995. You can also look up, download and print Acts and Regulations on the Justice Canada Web site.


How can I obtain a copy of a Government of Canada publication that’s no longer being published?

A good source of information on publications that are no longer being published is your local public or university library. You can get a list of Depository Libraries of Canadian government information at:



Other questions Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

What happens to my personal information I enter when I order a publication?

The Government of Canada (GoC) and Public Works and Government Services Canada is committed to respecting the personal privacy of individuals who visit our Web sites. This page summarizes Public Works and Government Services Canada Web site privacy policy and practices.

The GoC does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, e-mail or street address during your visit to its Web sites. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via e-mail.

Public Works and Government Services Canada uses non persistent (temporary) cookies to facilitate your transactions. These cookies exist in your browser's temporary memory only and are deleted when you close your browser.

Public Works and Government Services Canada is a participant in the GoC Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which gives you the opportunity to communicate with the Department in a confidential manner.


What happens to my credit card information when I pay online?

Credit card payment via the Internet is on a voluntary basis. If you choose this method, it is mandatory that you provide your credit card number and its expiry date to complete your transaction. The summary purchase information (Transaction ID, selling department, amount) is automatically transmitted to and collected by the Government of Canada payment processing Web site, from the Publications Web site.

The information collected will be used for the purpose of processing your credit card payment. The information (including the partially hidden credit card number) will also be available to Public Works and Government Services Canada in reports and online queries for refunds, reporting and reconciliation. Your personal information will be held in Public Works and Government Service's Canada Personal Information Bank number "PWGSC PPU 100", and will be retained for six (6) years, after which the record will be destroyed.

Your personal information is protected under the Privacy Act. The Government of Canada payment processing system uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protection and 128-bit encryption to ensure the safe collection and transfer of sensitive credit card data.

The Government of Canada payment processing site uses session cookies to maintain session information during your visit to the site. The cookies are non-persistent and contain only a unique random string that is used to facilitate your transactions. Session information has a lifespan of ten (10) minutes after the last action conducted during your visit to the Government of Canada payment processing system Web site.

Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal information. Your request should be forwarded in writing to the Coordinator, Access to Information and Privacy, Public Works and Government Services Canada, at 5C1, Place du Portage, Phase III, 11 Laurier Avenue, Hull, Quebec, Canada, K1A 0S5, or at ncr.atip@pwgsc.gc.ca.

For more information about your rights, see Infosource at: http://infosource.gc.ca/Info_1/index-e.html. This is a Government of Canada publication available at major public libraries, government information offices and from constituency offices of federal Members of Parliament.


Do you only sell to government or can anyone buy your publications?

Our mandate is to make Government of Canada information available to the public. Anyone can order free or purchase priced publications.


I have written a book which I think would be of interest to all Canadians; where should I send it?

Canadian Government Publishing is a publisher of Government of Canada information only and does not get involved in private works. We suggest that you submit your publication to private publishers for consideration.


How do I get permission to photocopy text from a book (or book cover)?

Please refer to our Crown Copyright page for more information.


Are there any special browser settings required to use this Web site?

Please refer to our System Requirements for details on the browser settings.

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Last Updated: 2005-01-11 Important Notices