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Customer Service Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The Government of Canada Publications Web site provides access to free and priced publications produced and published by the Government of Canada.

If you do not find the publication you need or if it is not in stock, our site will provide lists of bookstores or libraries and you can choose the one closest to your location. Sometimes publications are available from the authoring Government Department and we can help point you in their direction.

Our bilingual Customer Service information officers will gladly assist you in any way required.

Mailing address: Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 0S5

Hours of operation:

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Phone / Toll free: 1 800 635-7943 (Canada & US)
Phone / Local: (613) 941-5995
Fax / Toll free: 1 800 565-7757 (Canada & US)
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E-mail: publications@pwgsc.gc.ca


Order Value is an Estimate Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

The order value shown in your order form is an estimate based on the following assumptions:

  • You live in Canada.
  • You are not eligible for any discounts and you are not a commercial customer.

The price quoted for a publication, or the total value of your order are in Canadian dollars.

To receive an approximate order value, call our Customer Service information officers. The exact amount of your order will appear on your invoice.

Note that if you pay by credit card, the actual amount of the order will be deducted and not this estimated value. The actual value of the order will not exceed this estimate.

If you've faxed your order and have inquiries, please also fax your inquiries to our fax number listed above.

All inquiries on invoices should be directed to our Customer Service.


International Orders Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Customers from outside Canada must place their orders through our Customer Service Desk at (613) 941-5995. International orders must be paid in US dollars (USD).


Return Policy Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

All sales are final, but if your order is damaged, defective, or incorrect, please advise us within 7 days of receipt and we'll gladly replace it. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Claims must be submitted to the order adjustment unit after 6 weeks and before 3 months in Canada, and after 12 weeks and before 6 months outside Canada, from the release date of the subsequent subscription issue published or of the invoice date.


Claims Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

Electronic submission of claims is available for libraries and depositories. Simply complete the following form and submit.


Shipping Information Go to the Help PageGo to top of page

When the Customer and Shipping information window is displayed, you enter the required information.

If your shipping information is different than your customer information, please enter the information. This will ensure that your order is sent to the appropriate address.

Contact our Customer Service information officers:

  • If you need to verify shipping and handling fees prior to sending your order.
  • If other shipment options are required.

It may take 3 to 4 weeks for your order to be processed and sent to you by mail. This period starts the day we receive your order form.


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Last Updated: 2005-08-05 Important Notices