List of forms
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- Social Insurance Number application form (NAS2120 05-04)
- Personal Information Request Form (TBC/CTC350-58)
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Social Insurance Number (SIN) application form
This form (NAS 2120-05-04) can either be completed on screen then printed, or be printed for completion.
You must submit the completed application form to a Service Canada Centre or send it to us by mail. Remember that it is necessary to provide proof-of-identity document(s) and the fee for a replacement card. For details of how to apply for a SIN, refer to "Applying for a first-time Social Insurance Number".
Info Source - Personal Information Request Form
This form (TBC/CTC35-58) will enable you to request access to personal information held about you by the federal government. Using this form, you may request copies of your previously submitted Social Insurance Number applications.
Personal Information Request Form - Treasury Board of Canada