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Supreme Court of Canada


The Court’s decisions are published in English and French in its official reports, the Canada Supreme Court Reports. All written and oral judgments and reasons for judgment are printed in their entirety along with a summary (called a headnote) of the reasons. The first case reported, published in 1877, was for an appeal heard in 1876 from the Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island. Originally numbered in series from 1 to 64, the Reports have been identified since 1923 by their year of publication. In 1975, the printed reports went from one to two volumes per year, and since 1990, three or four volumes have been published annually, each consisting of four to six parts issued periodically, and containing indexes and a table of cases cited. Judgments are made available in electronic form the day of their release through links.

Last updated: 2006-09-05
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