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Supreme Court of Canada

Contact Us

We cannot give legal advice nor answer the numerous requests for legal information that we receive from Canada and abroad. We cannot respond to comments on the decisions of the Court.

For help with legal matters, we suggest that you get in touch with a lawyer. Your local Bar association may be able to refer you to a lawyer, if you do not have one.

You may also want to consult your local school, public or university library, which usually can help you find information on your rights or on other questions regarding the law.

For comments on this website, contact information@scc-csc.gc.ca or phone (613) 996-8029.

For media inquiries, contact media@scc-csc.gc.ca or phone (613) 996-9296.

For information about the Supreme Court Library, contact
or phone (613) 996-8120.

For information about tours of the Supreme Court of Canada, contact tour@scc-csc.gc.ca or phone (613) 995-5361.

For information about the Supreme Court’s hearing schedule, contact registry-greffe@scc-csc.gc.ca or phone (613) 996-8666.

For general information, contact reception reception@scc-csc.gc.ca or phone (613) 995-4330.

Key contacts:

Our address:

Supreme Court of Canada
301 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0J1

Tel: (613) 995-4330
Fax: (613) 996-3063
Email: reception@scc-csc.gc.ca

Localization Map


Last updated: 2006-03-02
Important Notices