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Through an initiative of the University of Montréal's Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP), decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada have been available on the Internet since 1994.

The CRDP has played a pioneering role in electronic legal materials in this regard. The CRDP receives decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada as soon as they are released and posts them on its LexUM server.

These decisions may thus be accessed that same day under "Recent Judgments".

The CRDP also receives electronic versions of Press Releases, of judgments reported in the Supreme Court Reports (S.C.R.) and of the Bulletin of Proceedings and posts them on the LexUM site.

In the Virtual Law Library of Canada and Quebec Law it has created, the CRDP provides access to numerous other sources of Canadian and international law.

Editorial Enhancements made by the Centre de recherche en droit public - CRDP (LexUM)

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Some of the information in this website has been provided by external sources. The Supreme Court of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information provided by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information.

Please note that the decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada on this Internet site have been prepared for convenience of reference only.

Despite the considerable care taken by the Supreme Court of Canada and LexUM in preparing this site, these organizations are in no way responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the information.

Decisions from 1994 to the present include the text as published.

Decisions from 1989 to 1993 do not include the revisions sometimes made before publication.

The Charter collection (1983-1995) has been assembled from magnetic tapes and partially reconstructed before publication on the Internet. As a result, it is possible that errors were introduced in the text during processing.

The official versions of decisions and reasons for decision by the Supreme Court of Canada are published in the Supreme Court Reports (S.C.R.). For all purposes of interpreting and applying the law, users should consult the S.C.R. Before decisions are published in the S.C.R., they may undergo revisions. Reference to the S.C.R. by year indicates that the decision has been published.

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Last updated: 2006-05-29
Important Notices