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Travelling Exhibitions Program

The Canadian Museum of Civilization is pleased to announce plans to expand its travelling Exhibitions Program. Here you will find short descriptions of exhibitions that we are either currently circulating or planning to circulate. We need your reactions to these ideas and your input to help us know how we can best serve museums in Canada and abroad with travelling exhibitions.

Here are short descriptions of exhibitions that we currently have on tour:

  1. The Tunit, a Palaeo-Eskimo People
  2. Places of Power, Objects of Veneration
  3. Cross-Currents: 500 Generations of Aboriginal Fishing in Atlantic Canada
  4. Pack Your Bags! A Kid's Ticket to Travel
  5. "Rocket" Richard: The Legend – The Legacy
  6. Nuvisavik: "The Place Where We Weave" Inuit Tapestries from Arctic Canada
  7. Satisfaction Guaranteed: The Mail Order Catalogue in Canada
  8. Isumavut: The Artistic Expression of Nine Cape Dorset Women
  9. The Mysterious Bog People

Here are short descriptions of exhibitions we may make into travelling exhibitions:

  1. Lace Up: Canada's Passion for Skating
  2. A Caring Profession: Centuries of Nursing in Canada
  3. Sincerely, Glenn Gould (working title)
  4. Treasures of Quebec Folk Art (working title)
  5. Collecting Canadian Craft (working title)

Your opinions are important to us. Feedback on the second list, in particular, will influence our final decisions on which exhibitions to circulate. We sincerely hope to learn more about your interest level in relation to our travelling exhibitions, whether it be by mail, by e-mail, by fax or by phone.

For more information, please contact: Travelling Exhibitions Program

Created: April 2, 1998. Last update: September 15, 2006
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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Government of Canada