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Northwest Territories

The Canadian Museum of Civilization invites you to retrace the footsteps of some of its archaeologists as they uncovered new chapters in the long and fascinating history of the Northwest Territories. Learn about a vast untouched part of our world, about its people and their history.

Canada's Northwest Territories sit at the top of the North American continent. People have lived there for thousands of years. This vast area is dotted with but a few small communities. The land is still unspoiled. Its immense beauty lies in its vastness and its harshness.

Between 1985 and 1994, the Canadian Museum of Civilization carried out an archaeological research programme (NOGAP) in the northwestern part (in the black circle) of the continental N.W.T. in order to find out more about the history of this region.

The Museum now opens its files and lets you follow the progress of its archaeologists as they returned from the field and wrote their reports. You can access these documents as well as the multitude of images and information they brought back.

You can also follow the work at certain sites which were revisited over the years and see how the archaeologists changed their thinking about them based on new discoveries.

And what sense did they finally make of these discoveries? Well, a number of articles bring the field data together and offer interpretations which both enlighten and challenge.

Now that you have access to their information, can you come up with different interpretations?

Lunchtime during work at Hyndman Lake, N.W.T. in 1990

This page was prepared using Netscape 1.1. The ideal screen width is 640 pixels. Many people deserve thanks for help on this project.
Launched: July 1, 1996
Produced by: Jean-Luc Pilon

Last update: September 12, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Government of Canada