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    Science and Tech Museum's Holiday Program Is All About Light

    December 16, 2005 For immediate release

    Science and Tech Museum's Holiday
    Program Is All About Light

    Tuesday, December 20 – Monday, January 2, 2005

    Ottawa — The Canada Science and Technology Museum is running an illuminating holiday program daily from December 20 to January 2, exploring light in a myriad of forms, from juggling, to mirrors and lenses, to making kaleidoscopes.

    Inspired by the museum's brand new Odyssey of Light exhibition, activities include:

    • juggling light at the Mini-Cirque (Dec. 23, 24, 26, 29 and 30)
    • using tools to explore how professionals use light to help fight crime, heal the sick, make movies and even transmit secret messages
    • a breathtaking sound and light show on the aurora borealis
    • cozy fireside stories by the museum's indoor 'fire' in the Odyssey of Light exhibition
    • watching the night sky light up in the museum's inflatable Starlab Planetarium
    • building a lantern out of recycled materials
    • creating a take-home Zoetrope cinema (Dec. 27-Jan. 2)
    • making a kaleidoscope
    • looking at some natural light phenomena, including lightning and fireflies
    • investigating shadows, how they are formed and what they can tell us about our galaxy, with a little theatre thrown in as well
    • exploring how circuits, lasers and lightbulbs work
    • optical illusions, periscopes, microscopes and telescopes

    All activities offered daily unless otherwise specified, and are included with regular museum admission. Age restrictions apply to some activities. The museum is open daily from Tuesday, December 20 through Monday, January 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday, December 25 only. Admission is $6; $3 for children (ages 4-14); $5 for students and seniors; $14 for a family (2 adults and 3 children); children under 4 are free. The museum is located at 1867 St. Laurent Boulevard and offers free parking on-site.

    General information: Call 613 991-3044 or our Toll free number: 1-866-442-4416.

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    Media contact:
    Martine Carrière, (613) 998-5342, mcarriere@technomuses.ca

    © 2006 Canada Science and
    Technology Museum
    Comments to: webmaster@technomuses.ca