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Publications du MCC

Ouvrages Récents :

Marie, Suzan and Judy Thompson, Long-Ago People's Packsack. Dene Babiche Bags: Tradition and Revival, Mercury Series, Ethnology 141, 2004.
ISBN 0-660-19248-9

Wright, J.V. A History Of The Native People Of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact) Part 1: Maritime Algonquian, St. Lawrence Iroquois, Ontario Iroquois, Glen Meyer/Western Basin, and Northern Algonquian Cultures, Mercury Series, Archaeology 152, 2004.
ISBN 0-660-19175-X

The Late Palaeo-Indian Great Lakes: Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments. Ed. Lawrence J. Jackson and Andrew Hinshelwood, Mercury Series, Archaeology 165.
ISBN 0-660-19306-X

The Whaling Indians. Legendary Hunters. West Coast Legends and Stories. Part 9 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka Texts. Ed. Eugene Arima, Terry Klokeid and Katherine Robinson. Prepared by Edward Sapir, Morris Swadesh, Alexander Thomas, John Thomas, and Frank Williams and told by Sa:ya:ch'apis, William, Frank Williams, Big Fred, Captain Bill, and Qwishanishim. Mercury Series, Ethnology Paper 139, 2004.
ISBN 0-660-19167-9


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Date de création : 27 avril 2005. Mise à jour : 12 mai 2006
© Société du Musée canadien des civilisations
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