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National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
ESSO Family Funday
Between 11 am and 4 pm

For budding artists ages 3 and up, accompanied by an adult. No registration required. Free with Gallery admission.

Sunday 29 October • Spooky Celebration!
Show off your costume and celebrate Halloween with us! Take a spooky gallery tour, then come back and make one or all four ghoulish art projects: a Happy Halloween picture frame, a creepy graveyard landscape, an eerie flying ghost, or a vampire bat treat bag.

Sunday 12 November • Once Upon a Time with Hansel and Gretel…
Once upon a time there was an opera, two children, a witch, a forest, and a house made of candy. Discover with Hansel and Gretel the sweet and sinister home of the scary witch, then create a gingerbread house of your very own. Opera Lyra Ottawa presents excerpts from the popular opera Hansel and Gretel at 12:30, 1:30, and 2:30 pm.