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National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Volunteers' Circle of the National Gallery of Canada

Since 1958, volunteers have been involved in presenting programs  and planning special projects that complement those of the National Gallery of Canada.  Volunteer activities such as school visits and tours, lectures, excursions and cultural events are aimed at supporting the National Gallery's objectives and increasing the public interest in the Gallery.  In a more direct way, volunteers can be found helping at exhibitions, in the library and other departments, supporting the Gallery staff. Our team of volunteers, all Friends of the Gallery, has a love of art in common, but the skills and talents contributed vary widely. 

Programs offered by the Volunteers' Circle of the National Gallery of Canada

Travel Committee  (To view travel dates, click here)
Cultural travel with volunteers and Friends of the National Gallery of Canada. Uniquely created trips and day excursions to visit special exhibitions and collections in renowned galleries. From architectural splendours to the studios of artisans, enjoy travel with like-minded friends.

Contemporay Canadian Art:  Meets every second Wednesday from September to March to hear presentations and view slides.  Members themselves research and present papers of approximately 30 to 40 minutes in length. The National Gallery library and slide collection are available to support the research. Two topics are covered each morning totalling approximately 26 each year. These presentations are  supplemented by  guest lectures and National Gallery tours. Fee: $20 per season for  members of the Friends of the Gallery; $40 for non-members; $5.00 for single session 

Third Thursday Study Group
Once a month on Thursday afternoons, at the National Gallery, members present  two 20-minute talks with slide presentation. Discussion follows.

Artists and Artisans Study Group
Monthly visits to galleries and studios around the region on the third Tuesday, to see artists and artisans at work. Numbers are limited.

Know Your Gallery
A new Study Group based on the NGC’s collection.  The purpose of the group is to become more familiar with the gallery's collection.  We will begin with the Italian Renaissance and continue chronologically.  Participants are asked to research and present an informal background paper on a topic of their choice.  This is followed by a visit to the gallery.  Third Saturdays at 1:30pm.  Cost:  $20.00

Art In View
A series of lectures and other activities for Friends of the Gallery.  Since 1998, our relationship with the NGC has grown significantly as our participants feel more at home in the Gallery – exploring masterpieces, experiencing ‘behind the scene’ venues and appreciating the presenters’ professionalism.  Many newcomers hear about us through ‘word of mouth’ or let us know about their intent to register for future series by calling the Volunteer Circle at 241-3100.  The Art in View’s winning formula: Lecture + Gallery activities provides the excellence our loyal fans have grown to expect. 
Location: Lecture Hall, Curatorial Wing, Prints & Drawing Study Room and the NGC Galleries 
Time:  10 a.m – noon on 6 consecutive Wednesdays OR Thursdays in the Spring and Fall. Mercredis culturels  
(click here to view programming - in French only)
Lectures and related activities conducted exclusively in French. All welcome.

Looking at Pictures
This School Program began in 1968 and aims to foster an interest in art and the National Gallery. This program responds to requests from area elementary schools to show reproductions of art to students from Grades one to six in their classrooms. These volunteer-driven programs are supported enthusiastically by the region’s School Boards. New volunteers are always welcome!  We offer training/orientation  sessions and continuing education at monthly meetings.

Prints & Drawings Study Room  Friends’ volunteers help to make the National Gallery’s permanent collection of Prints and Drawings accessible to scholars, students and interested members of the public, through its Prints and Drawings Study Room program. Organized to make it possible for the Gallery's Prints and Drawings Department  to open its Study Room at any time by appointment,  for viewing of works that are not on display in the exhibition galleries.
Telephone (613) 990-1960.

Curators’ Clinics 
Members of the public are invited to bring in, by appointment, privately held works on paper (prints, drawings, photographs) and small, portable Inuit sculptures for identification and verbal authentication. While curators cannot give monetary evaluations or furnish legal authentication, they can comment on the originality of the work, guide the owner towards further research, as well as advise on conservation and maintenance procedures. Clinics are held monthly (except July, August and December) and are set up and coordinated by volunteers. Call (613) 241-3100 for an appointment.

History Project

History of National Gallery Volunteers: 1958-2008

In 2008, the Volunteers’ Circle (VC) of the National Gallery of Canada will celebrate its 50th anniversary. The publication of a history of National Gallery volunteers represents one of the many activities planned for our golden-memory occasion. A special subcommittee of the VC Board has been struck to coordinate the “History Project”.
The project will likely take the form of a comprehensive searchable reference archive, a 100-page (or so) book with photographs (separate English and French versions) and a web version. A mechanism for effectively and regularly updating the history will also be developed.  The history will:

  1. Provide a tangible memento of the 50th anniversary of the volunteers at the National Gallery.
  2. Celebrate past and present volunteers and the organization’s founders.
  3. Look at its beginnings, its original raison d'etre, how it has evolved, key players, important developments, timelines and chronology, high points, challenges, achievements, lessons learned, program composition, program how-to's, memorable moments, fond memories, good stories.
  4. Inform and invigorate present and prospective volunteers about the Volunteers’ Circle.
  5. Serve as a resource for volunteer orientation and training and as a briefing and educational tool for NGC staff. It is hoped the project might even be useful beyond the National Gallery.

For further information, contact:
Volunteers' Circle
National Gallery of Canada
P.O. Box 333, Station A
Ottawa   ON   K1N 8V3
Tel: 613-241-3100
Fax: 613-241-4421