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National Gallery of Canada - Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
Teen Council
Teen Council  |  Workshops  |  Contact Us


In keeping with the Gallery’s mandate of making art accessible, meaningful and vital to diverse audiences of all ages, the Teen Council of the National Gallery of Canada has a mission to encourage, promote and facilitate artistic dialogue between teens and the general public.  The Teen Council also has the objective of creating innovative ways of using the Gallery’s collection as a means of self-expression. 


  • To develop the future audience for art.
  • To create  an artistic dialogue amongst teens and the general public
  • To foster a  greater appreciation of the collection
  • To gain more in depth knowledge of Museum education and art history. 


The Teen Council has two major activities per year:

  • The Monthly Teen Workshop Off The Wall Series
    Local artist are invited to teach teens a studio workshop based on their own work.   This year from the months of October 2005 until June 2006 there will have been 8 teen workshops given.  The majority of the workshops were sold out. 


  • Annual Teen Event
    The Annual Teen Event is held once a year, usually during the Ontario March Break as a way of celebrating the works made within the Teen workshop Series and to create an atmosphere highlighting the visual arts, as well as music and providing a venue for celebration.