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Thank you, Mr. Sinclair

Lister Sinclair

Lister Sinclair was an expert in music, a mathematician, playwright, actor, director, producer, critic, author, birder, and sports nut. He won dozens of awards and received 7 honorary degrees. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada.

During his 16 years as host of IDEAS, Lister made a lot of shows with IDEAS producer Sara Wolch: prize-winners like Newton; unforgettable ones like Nature Walk and The Plague.

He was friend as well as a colleague. This portrait of Lister Sinclair is a personal one — composed of interviews that only Sara could have conducted with him — as well as excerpts from some of his programs. But the portrait speaks for all of us here at IDEAS.

Listen to a excerpt from the show.
(clip runs: 3:34)

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Lister Sinclair & Sara Wolch
Lister Sinclair and Sara Wolch in Studio 200, November 2005.

It’s funny how we rarely say thank you to the people we care about — when they’re still alive. A real thank you for who they are and what they’ve contributed to the world. Well, this is a thank you to Lister. He heard this series, by the way, when it was still a “work-progress.”
He dropped by the Fun Factory, as he calls the CBC, looking very dapper in his Mickey Mouse tie. We laughed, looked down and pretended not to cry as we listened to shows he’d made when he was young, and conversations we’d taped when he was older.

Sara Wolch & Lister Sinclair
Lister Sinclair and Sara Wolch in Studio 200, November 2005.

Afterwards Lister called to say I’d forgotten to include A is for Aardvark – one of his popular shows from the 1950s. “Lister”, I sighed, “there are more than a thousand entries under your name in the CBC Archives. You know we can’t put in everything!” Lister really has done almost everything — in radio and television — though he’ll tell you even now there’s a lot more he’d like to do. Lister does not believe in retirement: “Artists can’t do that”, he says.

So thank you Lister, for continuing to educate, enlighten and enchant us.

Sara Wolch



image gallery


CBC Archives feature: Lister Sinclair, Renaissance man

CBC News story: CBC broadcaster Lister Sinclair dies

Thank you, Mr. Sinclair has been attractively packaged as a three-CD box set, with a multi-page insert booklet, suitable for gift-giving. A set costs $34, including shipping and tax.

Both CDs/audio cassettes can be ordered from Ideas Transcripts by credit card or by sending a cheque or money order to: Ideas Transcripts, Box 500 Station A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1E6.
To Order Download our Printable Order Form Adobe Acrobat file format

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For Visa, Mastercard, American Express orders, please call (416) 205-7367 or email ideasT@toronto.cbc.ca.

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