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Ministry of Environment and Water (Hungary) Ministry of Environment and Water

Children petting turtles at the Bio Culture Mauritius visitor’s centre, Riviere des Anguilles, Mauritius.Small Islands – Big Challenges

2 November 2006

Do you live on a small island, or are you concerned about climate change, invasive species or other environmental and development challenges faced by small island states? Have your say in how island ecosystems can be better managed and capacity strengthened to address these issues.

Large table coral (Acropora) Komodo NP Indonesia - Rod SalmNew strategy to help corals and mangroves survive climate change

31 October 2006

With climate change threatening tropical marine ecosystems, scientists of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and The Nature Conservancy are spelling out the survival strategy for coral reefs and mangroves in new publications launched today.

UICN inaugura la primera exhibición del proyecto Cuentos del Agua: la visión de un niño

28 Octubre 2006

Ecuador se convirtió en el escenario de la primera exhibición del proyecto Tales of Water/Cuentos del Agua, que la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN) desarrolla a nivel mundial. Se trata de una muestra fotográfica del artista holandés Taco Anema, que busca crear conciencia sobre la importancia de la conservación del agua y las fuentes hídricas.

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