The God Who May Be - Part Three
It was a modern axiom that philosophy and religion should be strangers, the one relying on reason the other on revelation. But, as the limits of both reason and revelation have become clearer, a new conversation has begun, and Irish philosopher Richard Kearney has been one of its leaders. In a three-part conversation with David Cayley, he talks about his philosophy of the imagination and his book, The God Who May Be.
Download The God Who May Be - Part Three [mp3 file: runs 52:28]
The God Who May Be - Part Two
It was a modern axiom that philosophy and religion should be strangers, the one relying on reason the other on revelation. But, as the limits of both reason and revelation have become clearer, a new conversation has begun, and Irish philosopher Richard Kearney has been one of its leaders. In a three-part conversation with David Cayley, he talks about his philosophy of the imagination and his book, The God Who May Be.
Download The God Who May Be - Part Two [mp3 file: runs 52:16]
The God Who May Be - Part One
It was a modern axiom that philosophy and religion should be strangers, the one relying on reason the other on revelation. But, as the limits of both reason and revelation have become clearer, a new conversation has begun, and Irish philosopher Richard Kearney has been one of its leaders. In a three-part conversation with David Cayley, he talks about his philosophy of the imagination and his book, The God Who May Be.
Download The God Who May Be - Part One [mp3 file: runs 52:04]
While You Were Out - Part Two
Science is exposing the secret life of sleep. But why we spend a third of our lives cut off from the world is still a mystery. Jeff Warren follows the cycles of sleep and dreams—and what they reveal about who we are.
Download While You Were Out - Part Two [mp3 file: runs 53:13]
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