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Banner: Canadian Subject Headings - IntroductionBanner: Canadian Subject Headings
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Canadian Subject Headings (CSH) is a list of subject headings in the English language, using controlled vocabulary, to access and express the subject content of documents on Canada and Canadian topics.

CSH on the Web offers:

  • free, up-to-date access to over 6000 subject authority records in the English language, providing in-depth coverage of Canadian topics, including those recently in the news. Coverage focuses on the Canadian cultural, economic, historical, literary, political and social experience
  • records displayed in both MARC 21 and thesaurus display
  • compatibility with Library of Congress Subject Headings
  • monthly updating of the database
  • access to CSH headings from their French-language equivalents in Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM)
  • a large number of references and scope notes and instructions, setting topics in their Canadian context
  • browsing, exact and keyword searching

Downloading of CSH records from AMICUS

Subject authority records for Canadian Subject Headings are also available in the AMICUS database, the National Library's bibliographic and authorities database. Registered AMICUS users can download CSH authority records in the MARC 21 format from AMICUS. For more information on becoming a registered user and/or downloading from AMICUS, contact the Client Information Centre at: cic@lac-bac.gc.ca

For more information and to search AMICUS Web, go to AMICUS.

Note that Canadian Subject Headings, 3rd edition (print), is no longer updated by supplements, nor will a new edition be published. The third edition and its supplements have been superseded by CSH on the Web.

Suggestions for new headings or changes to headings and comments

Suggestions for new headings or changes to headings are welcomed by the National Library. No special proposal form is required. Please send suggestions or questions about CSH to:

Mailing address:

Editor, Canadian Subject Headings
Standards and Support
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Telephone: (819) 953-6810
Fax: 819-934-6777
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca